
Musk is very much an autistic person who never had anyone help them regulate thier emotions or tell them no. His tantrum is what happens when someone on the spectrum is confronted with the fact they don’t know nearly as much about something they have a hyper-interest in. The key skill is learning that it’s not a

Indoctrination theory fails due to how indoctrination was explained in game. The Prothean VI’s can detect indoctrinated individuals. Given that that the Vendatta was still sounding an alarm about Kai Leng even though it was hack or otherwise compromised and nothing about Shepherd means for Shepherd to be indoctrinated

Your argument ignores the fact that EVERY ending is made without the input or consent of the rest of the galaxy. Do you commit genocide on synthetic life despite the prior games made an effort to show all AI is not malevolent and hostility is a self-preservation measure? In a low destroy ending you wipe out life on

The whole thing was a story told by Buzz Aldrin so much can be written off as an unreliable narrator. I think they’ll go for some sort amalgamation of all the endings similar to what Deus Ex Invisible War did. Sol is devastated as if a low power destroy ending, AI’s have gained an intrinsic spark that allows them

See it’s all about Shepherd’s kid with Liara. At the end of ME3 Liara does the mind-meld thing which is also how Asari can get other’s DNA. So post ME3 Liara gives birth to her child and names them Shepherd after thier parent.

See it’s all about Shepherd’s kid with Liara. At the end of ME3 Liara does the mind-meld thing which is also how Asari can get other’s DNA. So post ME3 Liara gives birth to her child and names them Shepherd after thier parent.  

It’s been a while, seem about time for another local DJ to lock himself in the studio and play “Amish Paradise” on loop again.  

I’m really amused by the “Comedy is legal again” tweet followed by banning comedians. 

I hear Tumblr is making a return.

I hate/love that this makes the most sense.

Ubisoft does get it because Farcry 3 Blood Dragon totally has a retrowave soundtrack by Power Glove. 

This was pretty common for a lot of NES games since many were ports of arcade games but being at home it lacked the option to dump another quarter into it.  Not all used the A+Start but many had some button combo to continue.  

Elon Musk’s very much comes across as someone on the spectrum who never had to confront the reality of unrealistic ideas. Most of his other success has been in technical engineering areas, things that have a tangible solution you can keep throwing money at a rocket or electric car R&D until you get the success you

Add Slava Ukrani to the blue and yellow, they Ikea looks like they are attack someone for supporting Ukraine in thier defense against Russian Invasion. 

do yourself a favor and watch Tromeo and Juliet and come back and be very angry that I said to do so because that’s 90 minutes of your life you can never get back but you can’t get it out of your brain. 

I mean his first film was “Tromeo and Juliet” for Troma. So it’s probably left over from that, (SPOILER FOR Tromeo and Juliet) probably the prosthetic cow penis he had for Juliet mounted on the headgear his brother wore in the film

If anything fails from James Gunn you can always blame it on Tromeo and Juliet. 

Gunn got his start with the Troma trashterpiece “Tromeo and Juliet” for which, I uncomfortably admit is a piece of artwork. The fact he continues to get work after that is nothing short of a miracle. Even more astounding is that his stuff is pretty good. I can only attribute it to him knowing how to manage a budget

Wealthy people tend to have enablers rather than have people who rein them in. Elon Musk is another guy like that but he keeps getting the attention of the SEC who smacks him around a bit. 

It took a bit for me to warm up to it but I can understand why it didn’t work for some people. Cyberpunk 20XX setting is pretty bleak and going in expecting it to end tragically made the 2nd half of Edgerunner’s work for me, essentially dramatic irony since you know it’s going to go poorly. It also helps that the