
Don’t let that fool you it’s a marketing gimmick to get guys to watch a good comedy that they might normally avoid because it’s all female cast. The title is to make you think it’s going to be HBO style gratuitous nudity and you’d be seeing Timothy Chalamet’s sister naked but it’s more just hijinks interspersed with

The binge model works for some shows but is detrimental to others. Drawing a series out allows it to build momentum and word of mouth while it’s still relevant. Take a look at “Yellowjackets” on Showtime. It built it’s fanbase up by letting people get in on it while there was still mystery to be revealed. The binge

I see they’ve gone with the RadioShack model

I think it’s evolving into “Musk never intended to buy Twitter only manipulate it’s stock price” Twitter suing to force him to follow through or pay the separation fee is their way of calling his bluff. Given the SEC is now looking into it I think it’s not going the way he planned. 

I adore Grimes, but she’s clearly not the brightest crayon in the box.  

if you have the item teleporter install on your Freighter and the freighter is in the same system as you it’ll automatically pull ingredients from your inventory for craft. it’s been like that for a while now. The nice thing is being able to summon your freighter from the surface of a planet now though which has been

Depends, the hub worlds and worlds closer to the core in the starting galaxy can get kind of crowded. But once you go off the beaten path you can avoid seeing anyone. That’s what I like and why I’m exploring the rim of another galaxy. 

He and his lawyer had the chance to make a 1A argument. Instead they decided they weren’t going to hand over Info Wars financial info and that resulted in the default judgement against him.

as noted by the plaintiff attorney for the Texas suit. “Speech is free, it’s the lies you pay for”

Credits have always come cheap in NMS.  That said this does help shift things back to trade goods. It’s not like this is the first time HelloGames have nerfed a rapid money maker. People will complain for a month or two and a new cash cow will come along. 

because she was a direct subordinate there is no way to separate potential coercion. It’s a legal minefield that everyone surrounding it doesn’t want to talk about. 

It’s a super chill game. I don’t even play it every week but it remains constantly installed on my PC for when the mood hit’s me (or they drop an Expedition)

I agree with you. The funny thing is those conspiracies are not that different from early 2000's Alex Jones and Coast to Coast AM.  

Adderall and other adhd medications have been used for enhanced focus in chess and other games of skill. They do test for that and if you don’t have a prescription it’s grounds disqualification. 

Yes doctors telling someone to lose some weight is fat-phobic. If you actually talk to any woman who goes to the doctor very often all the problems are written off as attributed to the weight, ignoring any underlying cause.

He’s wanting to get as much money out of the divorce as he can before all the assets are seized. He probably knows she was the one who planted the bombs found on Jan 6 2021 and recent questions from the FBI in that regard has tipped him off they have her dead to rights and are going to arrest her after the November

They don’t have brainworms. All the Ivermectin they took should have taken care of any worms. 

If you binge it you can really see where it starts going off the rails and Sorbo getting more and more creative control. It was finalized when he demanded Tyr become an outright villain.  

Thanks for beating me to it. Depending where you lived in the US places that sold used video games were few and far between, most of the big department store retailers only stocked the newest games as well so there wasn’t really games available at a reduced price.  

The Anime is great, but the game conveys the decaying hyper-American capitalist system way better. Cyberpunk 20XX was always the future of the 1980's and the Anime doesn’t quite grip it. It translates the game pretty well but the atmosphere itself isn’t oppressive and the world doesn’t feel like is a it’s on the edge

The 60's were wild. I didn’t know the let astronauts get high in orbit.