
Movies of the 80's and early 90's have a much smaller scope than they do today. The stakes are lower, the focus is narrow. They tell a story and the ancillary aspects can be glossed over. Today you have too many movies focused on the minutiae, seeding things throughout the whole movie, which in turn means that when

The hilarious part it would most likely be a Ukrainian Farmer that towed the tank correcting the record.

From the various shows and games we’ve seen where the Inquisitors have a little bit of trouble Vader always shows up. It’s as if the Inquisitor’s are a test of sorts and if there is someone strong with the force Vader comes in to turn or kill them himself. The Inquisitors are hounds and Vader is the true hunter, they

Vader works best when he runs off Jason Vorhees rules. Always walking, never running and always ahead of where the person running is running towards.

Nah, the combat performance of Russian Tanks in Ukraine is enough to settle any argument. The real argument how a John Deere can stand up to other tanks since we know how it stands up to Russia T-90's

Ad’s should be random loot drops. You can pay to temporarily stop ads from dropping.  

Anson Mount is bringing Star Trek into the mix to stand behind her.

Sammi Hanratty and Sophie Thatcher really pulled off younger Christina Ricci and Juliette Lewis vibe in thier roles.  

It’s gotta have a supernatural aspect to it. Like they are teasing the supernatural things as being in their head but it’s probably to set up it being actual paranormal events happening out there in the woods. 

Anson Mount is out leveraging Star Trek to back her up.

I almost feel bad for his sycophants. They are under the illusion that his interest in these projects implies technical ability in said field. They don’t grasp that Musk has an autistic hyperfixation on these things and that Musk has the money to throw at these projects until they reach a level of success. Musk’s

cut your hair and get a job hippie.  

AND it was just to cheat a bet with the builder of the bifrost so the Asgardian gods didn’t have to pay. You have to admit that’s a pretty slick move.  I’m going to turn into a mare and seduce the builders horse so it can’t assist him.  OOPs i got knocked up. Hey Odin you can have my kid, he’s a 8-legged horse that


The expeditions have been a great addition to the game. Mixing things up a bit, changing the progression route. I’m surprised this dropped so quickly after the previous expedition ended. Regardless working towards that living frigate is gonna be fun.

The last Permadeath save I did was annoying. Sometim

Farscape has aged better than many turn of the century shows but it’s still rough in spots. I’m currently working my way through it, the budget and cheese level is nice given the currently landscape of big budget scifi shows with high quality sets.

Chiana’s makeup enhanced cleavage is much more apparent when not viewed

It’s pretty amazing that the Depp defenders are totally oblivious about what this trial is about. Given the conduct of his team in this trial I won’t be surprised if he loses against her countersuit. It’s pretty obvious at this point that the trial is less about her defaming him and more about him trying to damage her

Sam Rami thought the tree scene went too far, Rob Tapert was the one who thought the tree scene didn’t go far enough. He was also the one responsible for the naked girls being lead around in chains by skeletons in “Army of Darkness” 

This is what I’ve been doing for years, mostly because I forgot which one I actually needed to pick up and I can’t be bothered to make a list to take with me. 

I love this movie, but i always enjoy the “in space” horror movie additions.Also no mention two of female leads from Gene’s Roddenberry’s “Andromeda” having essentially reversed roles in this film?

My favorite line is “don’t worry he just wanted his knife” the comedic irony was fantastic.  

He’ll lie about his certificate and lose that job too.