I figure Disney will have the crossover happen in Grid from Tron so it’s not a real crossover. It’ll be the super Disney crossover film. They escape on Dumbo.
I figure Disney will have the crossover happen in Grid from Tron so it’s not a real crossover. It’ll be the super Disney crossover film. They escape on Dumbo.
Living in a stable polycule is pretty good for extending ones life though sheer peace.
SCOTUS ruled nearly a century ago that tyranny is subjective and thus not a valid defense for bearing arms against the state. It’s a convenient lie 2nd amendmenters tell themselves but it’s really the conservative elements setting you up so you do something stupid and lose your firearms within the existing legal…
It’s not though. There have been multiple supreme court cases on this. What qualifies as “tyranny” or “totalitarianism” is subjective to the person. So one person’s tyranny doesn’t necessarily reflect another’s. There are no circumstances under which you could bear arms against the government without violating laws as…
Finally someone who can bring some whimsy to the role.
Yes let’s take a game with an Indigenous main character voiced by an Indigenous actor and replace all that with non-descript scifi. I loved the Art Bell “Coast to Coast” segments strewn throughout the original, back before George Noorey turned Coast into Info Wars lite
The context clue that is missing though is that by making organic thought processes and AI programs fundamentally the same it removes the impetus behind organic and synthetic conflict. Post-synthesis the only difference was the hardware they were running one, meat or metal.
Side note its nice to not have to deal with…
There is always the sliver of logic that since he shares certain traits and interests with them that their Musk like success is just over the hill and defending him is part of that path to success. They ignore the Emerald Mine seed money from his parents because they can’t wrap their mind around how much of an…
Only now do I realize how my sarcasm could be read as a legit statement.
It was all imperfect before, consciousness uploading never worked right, Overlord and President Huerta didn’t exactly result in perfect synthetic uploads. The gambling AI in ME1, EDI, SAM from Andomeda and most Geth were still shackled by thier programming. It make perfect sense regular indulge in soft space magic…
How much is big guillotine paying you for this comment?
Sorry this is Kotaku, it’s about ethics in gaming journalism.
Shepherd must remain dead. Regardless on one’s opinion on things the original trilogy works best if in the end Shepherd sacrificed their life to save everyone else. There is too much baggage to bring them back.
It seems most likely that it turns organic thought process into a more data friendly format and synthetic thought process into a more organic style function. While they called it synthesis in game it is obviously the long talked about “technological singularity”. Organics should more easily be able to upload thier…
which is hilarious because if the US dies Crypto is useless. Only in the wild west of US capitalism is crypto even remotely viable. Foreign interest is only because it has an value/influence in the US and circumvents most financial protections. It’s value is lost if there ceases to be US laws it get’s around.
I loved him in sex education so I can certainly see him bringing more whimsy to the role. I think I’m most delighted about the exploding heads over him landing the role. So many people tell on themselves with thier outrage. Just like Adrian Holmes being chosen to play Robert April in “Strange New Worlds”
I think we’re in agreement to a degree. He’s leveraging public sentiment in his favor. He is how ever opening himself up to being a liability to production companies. How he and his team conduct themselves very much reflects on whether or not big Hollywood companies want to include him in thier productions. He might…
The issue here isn’t morality but medical treatment. Do we ban pain relievers and anesthetics because there is a portion of the population that believes suffering is necessary for spiritual clarity?
Yeah I don’t think it’s lazy. I’d say it falls into the “work smarter not harder” It’s like old filmsets where their are elaborate fronts making it look like a western town but really there is nothing behind them. But you BUY that its a town which is the important part. The lack of substance behind the set pieces…
The problem is exactly because the ACLU isn’t party to the case. So now they have to prove that the ALCU used Heard’s words and not completely indulged themselves. They added an extra burden of proof that they would need to overcome. So now Depp’s team created doubt on who the actual defamer is.