
This is a defamation case, which means despite all that his team is doing, he’s not providing evidence that Heard actually defamed him. By bringing up the ghostwriting he’s brought up that a third party being involved and since he’s not suing them it makes increases the perception that this is petty revenge against

Teaching kids to share is considered political these days. I mean you have right-wing media blaming Fred Rogers and Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood for making children weak of will because they care about other and share instead of working hard.

Some things shouldn’t be political, but the world we live in today very much

I agree, it’s crafted in a way to kick your imagination into overdrive and compels you to make various connections. I’d still argue there isn’t much there in the Souls games but it makes you “feel” like there is something else just below the surface, something that if you figure out based upon enemy and item

It’s a defamation case, so yes Depp does have to rebut the existing statements from Heard. He has to prove that she was lying about it. The whole ALCU ghostwriter thing is counter productive to it as it adds another party to the whole narrative. He now has to prove that both Heard and the ACLU knew the statements were

Publicity (good or bad) is the only thing he’s winning here. He’s doing so much to try and prove Heard is an abuser he’s doing very little to prove that the public comments and op-eds were false. Ya know, the whole requirement of defamation. In fact his side has shot thier own arguments in the foot by saying the ACLU

Chapelle is really trying hard to be the token black comedian for the right isn’t he? I guess he realized that all those white gun’s unironically using the N-word because of the Chapelle show (over which he decided to end it) are really his core demographic.  

please enlighten everyone. 

NFT’s aren’t about digital ownership though. It’s about creating a middleman to extract money from the system by creating a perceived rarity. It’s adding market inefficiency to try to collect funds 

There isn’t much actual depth to the lore though of FROM games though. The Soul’s series use the vague and mysterious bread crumbs to create a pseudo-esoteric atmosphere. Virtually all the “lore” from the games is at best fan theories. Don’t get me wrong, i like that. The lack of a narrative structure helps build an

Also to be the guy who dies by Eros protomolocule in the first season finale of “The Expanse” t

The invasion was preventable because Russia is the aggressor, the power lies with them. But now we’re 3 months into it and Ukraine hasn’t collapsed. There is no winning outcome for Russia here, they didn’t expect the world to call thier bluff of petroleum and gas exports. Russia has proven it’s conventional military

What about the volleyball content? I need to know how long the volleyball scene is. Also given the fact that China demanded the Taiwanese flag be removed from Maverick’s jacked I’d need to know what else was done to appease the foreign financiers.

7 days to die is a delight to for my wife and i to play together. She’s delighted when i get spooked and just unload my assault rifle drawing more zombies. It’s fun playing something together that feels like you are making some semblance of progress (building a base together) 

Netflix is a victim of thier own success. Back when they pioneered streaming licensed content aps the various networks thought it was a gimmick and wouldn’t catch other, they believed that “on Demand” programming that he cable providers licensed was superior and people wouldn’t put up with the buffering.

As people

That’s what was great about it. It had a very limited use but if you knew when and where to use it you could have a edge. For nostalgia reasons I usually went with a Karasawa rifle, energy weapons and extended flying didn’t mix too well, so as i was flying around and shooting the Limiter Release was how I could stay

Not really. COVID was responsible for the biggest increase in police officer deaths in decades. Retail workers face a higher chance of being murdered than a police officers do. The greatest risk to a police officer is stopping someone on the highway at night and being hit by a passing car. Relative to other jobs being

Does Palladium Books still have the rights to the TTRPG?

man the PS2 games had some great hidden mechanics in it. Like for AC2 that had the Limiter release that wasn’t mentioned anywhere in the manual other than the control layout. holding all 4 of the shoulder buttons unlocked a brief period of unlimited energy followed by an extended period of cooldown.

Yeah but Dunning-Kruger also applies to thier firearm competency. 

I feel disappointed, largely because Disney isn’t going to let Taika Watiti make the queer Thor movie we all know he could make.