
It’s an old plumbers trick. Thier hat stays on no matter what angle they are at. Sideways, upside down, underwater the hat stays put. The downside is that pull it off ends up exposing their butt crack anytime the had would normally fall off. Hence the term “plumbers crack”

You’re doing God’s work here, keep it up.

They can be annoying but I’m not as bothered by the pirate attacks as I am with sentinel fighters warping into the atmosphere. I use to just hop in my ship and scoot if the sentinel density got too much, but now I’m immediately swarmed by sentinel fighters once I dust off. It also makes it harder to cheese sentinel

I doubt ship or multi-tool customization will ever really be implemented outside of the paint job. The hunt for the perfect ship or tool is part of the experience and a major drive of the community

Wow that’s pretty much my exact same thought.

I mean Troma is the oldest independent film studio still running. You have to give them props for that. Plus Llyod wrote a book on filmmaking that’s pretty good for low/no-budget filmmakers. It gave me a better appreciation of low budget and independent films.

I like to

Spot on assement. Russia use to be default villain’s during the Cold War and then left over soviet hardliners during the 90's. This will probably push them back to Cold War characterization.

as a side note it’s Ukraine not “THE Ukraine”. The article “the” implies that Ukraine is part of a larger entity and not an

I never encounter this kind of trolling, I like to live out on the galactic rim 1.5M+ LY from the galactic core of the Essientam galaxy.  No one is out there and all the systems are for me to discover and name.  If someone stumbles upon me it’s because they went looking for me.  

Say what you will about Logan Paul and conspicuous consumption, I think that’s a pretty clever thing to do with an expensive card.

FYI as a journalistic note you should probably use the Ukrainian spelling of Chornobyl.  Though if you do want to be creative you could refer it to the Chernobyl disaster at Chornobyl to indicate that the disaster was Soviet/Russian in origin while the location itself is in Ukraine.  

Some nuclear scientists have been hopping on the record to say that even if the Russian Soldiers were digging trenches in the Red Forest like they were supposedly doing, they wouldn’t have been exposed to enough gamma emitters to cause acute radiation poisoning. They’ll all very likely develop cancer in a few years

This captures the same kind of charm Valheim does. They retain the same basic feel of the graphical era they’re from/going for but the lighting makes it seem more immersive. 

I’m seconding this notion on Dragon’s Dogma. From’s combat is very mechanical hinging on timing and remembering move sets each enemy has a specific way to tackle them. DD on the other hand lets each class have a specific way to tackle things and the Pawn system helps make up for deficiencies in your own build. Since

not to be a pendant nerd but according to the Kelvin timeline Stardate system the date of this article would be Stardate 2022.77 

In TNG they basically plotted to destroy the Borg with a Mc Escher painting. Star Trek is full of crazy stupid stuff.  

If violence is violence than so is getting the LAPD involved. The danger to both Black men would be vastly increased by bringing law-enforcement into it.  

I’m not surprised. While I haven’t listened to the audio drama it was based on from my understanding it took a wildly different approach. The ending was both a downer and a cliffhanger so while it still had someplace to go it didn’t feel satisfying and honestly if felt unnecessarily cruel. It was an interesting ride

Based upon dialog in “Staged” Michael Sheen has long wanted to be the doctor and has been a sticking point between him and David Tennant even if it was exaggerated for the show. The recurring joke was that David Tennant stole a role that Sheen was the top contender for and it’s heavily implied it was Doctor Who.

GRRM was mostly a science fiction writer so it make sense that ASOIF is one too. 

A Song of Ice and Fire is actually a space opera and all the events take place on a planet that had a terraforming disaster. The colony ship crashed so long ago that it has largely been lost to time and no one is aware that there are other planets out there. All the paranatural going ons are due to nanomachines spread

Privatizing space flight was something decades in the work, the 70's 80's and 90's all had attempts to privatize space access. The “market” never emerged in those decades but the early 2000's had several new avenues open up to make things potentially viable.