
Discovery and Picard are fine Star Trek shows. Too many of the naysayers have idyllic memories of TNG or DS9 and fail to apply the same criticism the lay on Discovery to thier beloved series. Too many don’t know how to process a show that doesn’t reset to the status quo at the end of the hour and leaves them with an em

You also have all of Star Trek on paramount plus, as well as a bunch of paramount movies. the TV show Ghosts is good as well.

While background material for TOS stated Kirk’s first command was a destroyer it has never been explicitly stated on screen. Given the deep well of Trek beta-canon lore they’ve been dipping into this will likely be confirming his earlier command.  The pictures show the rank bands on his uniform as captain so we know

Sanders performed well in the caucuses where people who had both the time and home support to actual participate could participate. It’s telling that he performed well in white population heavy early states. There was no coordinated takedown. The fact that Sanders demanded the rule that super delegates should go to

yet a fair number of working class people have a problem with LGBTQ+ people or the amount of melanin in someone’s skin. What’s your class warfare doing to protect the marginalized?

I’m down with that. What’s your timetable on that? Can you get this revolution rolling before my friends in Texas lose more rights to being considered people?

Oh her dating Chelsea Manning is totally a PR relationship. Probably trying to rehabilitate her image post Elon. Chelsea Manning is probably looking at a congressional run and a public romantic partner helps generate PR.  

She a techno/future-fetishist. Elon Musk is one aspect of that with Tesla and Space X, she’s latched on to the idea that he’s taking the world to the future and she gets off on that idea. Chelsea Manning is another aspect of that with her mass infodump and subsequent imprisonment and abuse at the hands of the

It’s not so much a dig at Warren but the whole caucus itself. The caucus process itself would prohibit a person who is working evenings from participating and the manner of doing the caucus makes it difficult for people with disabilities from being able to participate. Basically the caucus favors people who either can

I’d prefer the fight take place on the way to the sun. Winner has to find the Delta v to get back

So basically Mindy Kaling’s HBO show “the Sex Lives of College Girls”? Amrit Kaur plays Bela in it and her backstory kinda matches up with Devi.  

Putin is at the not eating in public because people might poison him phase. He’s green screening public appearances to avoid meeting people. He sits alone at the ends of tables to be away from other. He banned exporting petroleum to the US after the US sanctioned Russia despite the fact this will hurt them economically

Because the Taco Bell you ate for lunch is coming out fast and a simple pause is safer for your underwear than the extra time you need to get to a safe spot.  

I mean Putin demanded that Poland be kicked out of NATO, that’s a direct goddamn threat. Especially since Putin’s goal appears to be a restoration of the Tsarist Empire with him at the top. 

You also have the fact that you have a nuclear armed state directly butting up against a nuclear armed alliance after years of trying to sow discord within said alliance. People need to realize that this is basically Cuban Missile Crisis level of tensions, ironically the only reason it probably isn’t palpable in the

Money in a steam wallet is still money in Valves pocketbook regardless whether or not it’s being spent. Plus with the value of the Ruble people probably less concerned about buying video games than being able to afford necessities. Plus by cutting them off it limits an avenue of propaganda dissemination

That’s inconvenient but I’d argue you should probably be avoiding boss fights while you also need to keep an eye or ear out for your kids because that’s distraction central.

You have provided a boon me and my friends. Kid aggro is a helluva thing and it’s a shame they never even contemplated it’s complication for players. 

You clearly have no idea what pulling kid aggro is like. When I have to stop I have to stop right then and there. If i’m in the middle of a fight i don’t have time to find a safe spot. I need to stop mid swing and get to helping my kids with whatever they need.  Frankly the cat jumping on the keyboard is less

The whole difficulty thing altering the artistic vision is lost if the plot itself is secondary to that of the visuals and atmosphere. Again I don’t think you analog is quite accurate. If would be like filming a movie entirely in Esperanto and the studio asking for translated subtitles and/or dubbing. The fanbase