OH it makes sense now, it’s an RPG to 4x game
OH it makes sense now, it’s an RPG to 4x game
Oh my god you are right!
Fundamentally different things. Commercialized art balances artistic vision with ability to make money. It exists entirely within a closed system. The environment does not so it’s a completely meaningless comparison.
nah it would affect thier “Artistic vision” if they were to take that into account.
The thing is timing is so precise of thing in Dark souls that is does limit people with certain issues from being able to play it. The lack of an offline pause option limits people with children from playing the game. From can do more to make the game accessible to people who want to play it. It’s a commercial venture…
great what about all the other Afterlife patrons who are just wearing clothes?
When i started thinking of the Souls games in that 80's arcade game vibe i started to enjoy them more. I agree there is a lot of cheap tricks in the souls games and really they could do with a little more play testing for balance. My biggest gripe really is the lack of a real pause function in offline mode. If i pull…
How about the dancing employees? ME afterlife is generic table dancers while CP Afterlife has people suspended in tubes filled with water dancing/swimming.
Thank you for making that connection that i’ve trying to make for months. That’s who Rogue reminds me of.
This is really what it is. It’s to create a pretense to screw the staff over by the executive wing. This is the thing you say when you are trying to close a studio down.
I remember playing the first Armored Core when i discovered the Moonlight Blade in it. My friend and I scoured every level looking for hidden parts. But the Moonlight blade and the Karasawa laser rifle were the absolute best.
Fun fact: Roll-playing is sometimes used as a pejorative term for TTRPG players who focused more on stats and game mechanics rather than playing a character, min/maxing is subset of roll-playing. They play a TTRPG to “win”.
Oh my god it is a borderline Dark Souls parody. I fully expect a whole lot more proper nouns and vague reference to past events expect everyone to fill in the blanks. I’m assuming GRRM’s contribution is some sort of brothel?
Control is just SCP with a global network of Reality Anchors keeping things more grounded.
as a side note SCP-93 is one of my favorites too. The Alternate world SCP often are pretty neat stories unto themselves.
Hangar 18, S-4, The Montauk Project.
You are right on the money. It’s not that Claire isn’t good representation , the first hints is it the Trans pride flag on her Trunk’s dashboard and Bumper. It’s just that the primary trans representation in the game is fetishized advertisements.
It’s very much of the “we’re trying to be inclusive” but they never…
I really think the Perala’s should have been a romance option, they seem like the kind of couple that would like to involve a third person to try and spice up thier marriage.
I love Claire too but given her story arc i don’t think she’s really ready for romance.
That’s why the secret ending is great. None of your friends die and the ending stakes are a space heist, if you are on borrowed time anyway dying is such a heist is a great way to make a name for yourself..
The given circumstances of V situation at the end, the Nomad ending seems like the ending where you have the least chance of actually living past your 6 months of borrowed time, with the exception of rejecting Arasaka’s offer in thier ending. Letting Johnny have your meatbod is arguably the ending with the longest…