
Like I said they wouldn’t fight. They’ll become noir PI’s together. Mostly it’s getting the dirt on whose spouse is bumpin’ uglies with who. It’s a nasty business but it keeps the lights on so they can take on the cases the police are turning a blind eye to. Probably a dirty cop took some cash have some iron go

Eagles are piscine hunters. So they are adept at snatching prey out of the water and throwing them on to land. Given Alligator Loki’s size it’s well within an eagles snatching range. Eagly would Snatch Loki out of the wate and chuck him into some rocks within a few seconds. Loki wouldn’t have much of a chance unless

Korn and Slipknot concert, Jackass in theaters, Futurama revival. What year is it again?

I think the problem is that TOS, TNG, and Voyager are borderline self parody at this point. The absolute ridiculous plots are absurd if taken seriously. This is why “Star Trek: Lower Decks” and “The Orville” feel like Star Trek even though they are comedies, they lean into that silliness and it trips all those

I’m guessing the original source i read mistook season for episode. 

See that’s weird the original thing I read had the whole first season budgeted at 10 million.  Of course the biggest thing is factoring in the cost of actors. Patrick Stewart alone probably commands a hefty sum 

This still put’s Halo’s budget above Star Trek Picard per episode, also on Paramount+

I’d say John Cena and Jack Quaid. Chris Lemmon balanced out the gruff meatheadedness of Terry Bollea with his comedic charm while still being able to sell the relative seriousness of the show. Jack Quaid fits that same niche as well as also being the son of famous people.

SG-1 is the sleeping giant of Science Fiction franchises, only Star Trek and Star Wars seem to have a bigger appeal in North America. While it painted the Airforce in a good light it was never thumping the nationalism drum. It showed people doing thier jobs.

The original Independence day had to go without DoD Assets because they objected to the reference to Area 51 (which was technically still a secret at the time). A decade later (where Area 51 officially is declared to exist)Stargate SG-1 no only had access to DoD assets but two sitting Secretaries of the Airforce

What I think a lot of right-wingers in the US fail to grasp is that china has fully embraced the American style of capitalism. So long as excess isn’t on display grift and corruption is loosely tolerated. So long as it doesn’t become public and/or you don’t “rock the boat” you can amass quite the amount of wealth. The

The people clamoring for student loan forgiveness really don’t grasp that there a millions of more Americans who could not afford to go to college in the first place. Most loans require a minimum number of credits taken which pretty much requires someone to go to college full time. Not everyone is privileged enough to

The greatest about of debt is owed by those who are well within thier means to repay it. So blanket loan forgiveness benefits the already wealthy and privilege the most. The the debt is self is still on the ledger, you are just shifting it from individuals responsible to accruing the debt on to the taxpayer base as a

Pork.  I mean human is called Long-Pig for a reason. 

You have to remember people are very dumb. The see someone die on a peloton on tv and think the risk of heart attack is greater if exercising. The 2nd time someone dies on tv from using a peloton people star to think “hmm i wonder if it’s loosely based on a real even of someone dying after using a peloton

Sorry I misread your initial comment. I thought you were saying Discovery was still distributed internationally via Netflix. Pluto is owned by ViacomCBS who also own Paramount+ so it’s still all in house there. But yeah it’s a pain for Discovery fans over the globe.  

Netflix is a victim of it’s own success. Thier initial push into streaming made cutting the cord on the cable companies a viable option for people. At the time they aggregated the content people wanted in one place, the actual production companies didn’t pay too much heed, they didn’t think it could be that big of a

Paramount pulled Star Trek from Netflix internationally in December right before season 4 of Discovery premiered. Paramount + is to be fully launched globally by March I believe. 

This is a huge component i think of thier slide. The dump and binge model is failure prone. A weekly pause allows people stew and speculate and gossip and catch up if they missed it. It allows for word of mouth to sing the shows praises early on. It allows watercooler talk, it builds up anticipation.

I think this is another symptom of From’s lassez faire approach to the souls series. The fact a 3rd party mod is the only real form of cheat protection speaks volumes. I mean they didn’t really boot people cheating at the game from multiplayer they just shunted them off to thier own server rather than putting in the