
it’s the civically disengaged white folk you have to worry about. The people who unironically say both parties are the same. The ones that don’t vote in primaries and only in midterms if it’s convenient. They say unironically and with obliviousness say All Lives Matter. They have no real party affiliation, thier lives

Which is why student loan debt cancellations is a power that Congress can do and not Biden by executive order. 

Honestly that’s probably the best course of action until Congress get’s off thier asses and do something about it. Anything else Biden does via executive order would be challenged in court and since Congress controls spending and taxes, doing anything to student loan debt rubs up against thier powers.  

The issues isn’t that the game leads to action but that it’s in poor taste and insensitive. That’s why you don’t see games on shelves that are about going around sexually assaulting people. It is insensitive to the people that have been affected by real life sexual assaults and is in poor taste. There are plenty of

I’m getting DUI within a year vibes from Rittenhouse, as a result of how brutal a civil trial will be for him and his family. 

That came out wrong. At this point people need to accept the fact they aren’t going to get a satisfying conclusion. GRRM not finishing it is likely the best outcome and people’s complaints only drive him away from deciding to conclude it. It’s a self-fulfilling prophecy at this point on the part of the fanbase. The

They should stop whining and git gud. A real pro would let the unexpected roll off them like a fitted sheet on a padded mattress.  

The thing is he’s under no obligation to finish it. The internet masses really just need to deal with thier own entitlement to have a conclusion, let alone a satisfying one.

I’m pretty sure GRRM is rooting for himself to not have to finish it either. He’s trying to run out the clock on his mortality that way he doesn’t have to create an ending that will never satisfy the fanbase. 

A lot of those layers are just fancy fall guys to take responsibility for things beyond thier control.  

Pretending that there is no historical baggage that comes with discussing racism really highlights your white fragility and/or comfort with letting white supremacy rule the day.

Look Ireally want that Fast & Furious/ Jurassic World crossover.

Oh god that makes too much sense.  

I’d like to see the theatrical version of “Bad Blood” 

Not all prejudice is racism. The personal and societal impact the prejudice from racism is far more significant that other forms. This is because it has deep historical context. Dictionary definitions do nothing to highlight that context and thus using them as the way to determine if something is racist or not is

Only white supremacists who dislike there is belittling term to describe them

That said cracker is absolutely not racist by the definition’s you’ve given above because it in no way, shape, or form implies superiority or inferiority and lacks historical context that would lend evidence to such accusations. In fact the belief that cracker is a racist term is more likely an indicator that the

I’m not sure how much college you’ve under your belt, but the dictionary is not a valid source for ones history project.  

Racism requires an inherent imbalance of power over the people the term is being used against. Historical context of use in racial disparaging ways would also qualify something as racist. Cracker contains none of that and modern usage has drifted from it’s original classist use. Trying to redefine cracker as racist

Honestly Fetterman’s style will probably draw in a lot of the “both parties are the same” types of rural PA voters. As long as Fetterman avoids talking about gun control I think he might draw away some of the GOP voters who are more anti government than Republican supporters. From personal experience many die hard