
Honestly it would have been forgotten and nothing come of it if not for this close up of her face. The smile is pained, her eyes and eyebrows tell us she is struggling to be happy but is smiling because she has to. The clearly wanted her to look exhausted but happy, but happy exhaustion is hard to convey unless you

The wife’s face tells a story that the words don’t. Her face was full of sorrow and fear. That combined with the husband buying it for her creates a scenario where it seems less like he got her something she wanted and more he got her something so she would become what he wants. Commercials only have a short time to

May God have mercy on your mortal souls.

I mean having Metaverse weddings seems pretty risky as you really have no way to protect yourself from getting infected with Snow Crash.  Unless you get Hiro Protagonist to run wedding security.

Which is weird because the horsehead nebula only looks like it has a horse head because of a dark cloud light years in front of it absorbs some of the light. It’s that’s the case of where they are from i don’t know if I can take this game seriously anymore.

Yeah but given how divergent the design is, prior communications would be fundamentally meaningless.  Sony’s deal for the SNES CD drive fell through so they made the Playstation. Does that mean that Nintendo gets to claim the design was stolen from them?

  • Ornithopters were well done, but the whole idea of a dragonfly-shaped aircraft is kind of stupid. The 2000 SyFy miniseries did right by making them simple VTOLs. Boring looking, but less dumb.

Don’t let them stop you from things you enjoy. Things of good taste will appeal to good and bad people.  

I mean honestly the naming convention seems more in line with Grimes personality than Elon Musk. I mean his 5 other kids have fairly conventional names. Kai, Damion, Saxon, Griffin, Xavier, then X Æ A-12.  

Given his history I shouldn’t have been surprised that Kojima was a sub but here we are.  

Lordy i hope he get’s the ticket. If he goes up against John Fetterman, Fetterman will eat him for lunch.

All of PA’s intentional voter fraud is done by Republicans.  The feel the system is rigged and Democrats get away with it so they should try and even the odds. Then they get caught?

You almost got me there, almost.

Given that Ian Alexander is transmasculine I think it’s a pretty reasonable to assume it’s an intentional metaphor.

This is so true, “hardcore Trekkie’s” look at the past with such rose tinted glasses that they can’t see that it’s a miracle the franchise has endured as long as it has. I mean TNG and DS9's syndication means the seasons were essentially ordered as a block, it was as much quantity as quality. Sometimes the terrible

If they really wanted to play hardball they should threaten to shut down the games servers.  I mean that would fix the problem of things not working right on them.

The issue is that Trump style conservatism is terrible at business and economic issues. Like his attempt to spruce up US steel companies by imposing tariffs on steel and aluminum. Heavy immediate impact on the agricultural industry. I think if given a choice between Trump and another conservative they’d go with

Because even the horrors of capitalism can be seen as culturally contaminating. I mean the Kim family are just as much cult leaders as they are dictators.  Within that context it makes more sense why any outside perception is considered problematic.

I think we are pretty much in agreement here. I feel like that the level design and bosses came first and any story was crafted to fit that.

I don’t necessarily disagree with you. I think it’s hard to be critical of Dark Souls without a large number of people think you hate the game, which i don’t. Dark Souls doesn’t have the same hardware limitations that Castlevania had. Castlevania’s deliberate movement and combat and enemy spawn were all done within