
Stat leveling in DD is almost pointless as you really have to try and screw it up. Especially since most of your stat bonuses come from equipment. Since there isn’t really any stat requirements for gear in DD you can make just about anything viable to your play style. Before I got Bitterblack LV3 gear i was mostly

I wholeheartedly agree. Sometimes I forget that that DD came out in 2012, only one year after the first Dark Souls and you have to get most of the way through that game before you can warp from bonfire to bonfire. It’s an aged game from a Japanese company doing their take on a western style RPG. Crazy but in Dragon’s

If every inch is a more or less a surprise fight is is really an open world? If there isn’t some degree of unmolested free travel in open terrain it’s not an open world but a dungeon crawl with less walls shuffling you forward.

You mean an expositionary introduction and then no real story to speak of? Don’t get me wrong I like the idea of elements being untold and left up to the player to fill in the blank but for the majority of the story to be that feels lazy. I mean most of the Dark Soul’s plot revolves around item descriptions and

So how long before the DoD starts investing in this to train rat’s to drive combat drones?

This is me. The first Dark Soul’s game irritated me nearly right off the bat. I liked the atmosphere and style but the gameplay pissed me off. It sat idle for years before i returned to it and whipped the piss out of the game. It got to the point where i was enjoying how fast i could cut through the trash mobs to get

The combat in the souls games is just glorified NES style combat. They are basically 3d versions of Castlevania’s 1-3. The Souls games rely heavily on the back end game mechanics rather than being intuitive. It’s a throwback to games of ages ago, there is a reason most games have jettisoned this timing-mechanic

DD is very generic in it’s open world but how things happen are kind of great especially the first time you play it. Walking along a path when all of a sudden an Chimera pounces upon you. It feels like how an open world should work. But the Combat is in a class among itself with DD, combat feels like how it should and

I just finished Dark Souls 3 for the first time and I have decided to go back to Dragon’s Dogma myself. 10 minutes into DD to get my combat legs back and I realize why it’s a superior game. Dark Souls combat and controls are clunky and mechanical like it was a NES game, Dragon’s Dogma has fluid combat and multiple

Ok but will it actually have a story or just random nuggets of information strewn about to make it seem like’s it’s has deep lore when really its more like Mad-Libs? I enjoy the Dark Souls series but they rely more on lore and plot speculation rather than an actual narrative. I mean to me Dark Souls is more or less a

At least with the Wheel of Time you know Robert Jordan died before finishing it. Where as a Song of Ice and Fire you have George R.R. Martin trying to run out the clock so he doesn’t have to finish it.

I like your take.

Certificates of Authenticity are based around the prospect that the item that has it’s certificate will be collectable in the future. To use your baseball card analogy if you can’t prove it’s authentic then it’s value is the same as a reproduction. If someone has a print copy of the Mona Lisa they are typically smart

I think the Pete Davidson is sorta like the safe celebrity bad-boy rebound. He’s funny, comes off as charming, has steady work at SNL, but still looks like he’s a hellraiser. He also seems like he’s kind of anchored to NYC so he isn’t going all around the world. So these celebrities can like hook up with Pete and have

Slimer’s softening was entirely due to “The Real Ghostbusters” cartoon which premiered in 1986, years before his brief cameo in 1989's “Ghostbusters 2". Which if not for the cartoon Ghostbusters 2 wouldn’t have happened. I’m not saying that the first Ghostbuster’s movie wasn’t culturally significant, but I think we

The ghost was a dead cabbie to occupied a vacant car. The joke was that the look and smell of the the undead cabbie wasn’t that different from a live cabbie so it wasn’t noticeable.

Dr. Strange was similar to the Hulk movies in that the character works best in conjunction with others but not so great headlining his own movie.  

Wild Speculation but they are gonna bring in Japanese Spiderman because Sandman get’s way too big for the others to handle.  He’ll summon his mecha Leopardon to fight him and use that giant memorial Captain America Shield to do so.  

in the TTRPG world I like to call that Roll-Playing as opposed to Role-Playing. 

By the time I hear a bike with loud pipes on the highway it’s already out of my blind spot. Of course most of the motorcyclists i see would benefit from not being so impatient as well. You’d think being more exposed would give you a better respect for the physics that apply in a bike crash but no.