Which is why they were always in the ditch come a major snowfall.
Which is why they were always in the ditch come a major snowfall.
Nah the riot was a hoax orchestrated by Biden to tarnish the image of Russia friend and ally Donald J Trump. It’s all about the US being evil and making things up to take out opposition to Biden. Basically everything the Russian government is doing, but blaming US Democrats.
As long as they don’t try to redeem an utterly toxic main character with out actually correcting any of the toxic behavior. I’m looking at you “Happiest Season”
A Beach Space Volleyball scene?
The problem isn’t that pro-life people aren’t adopting. The problem is that not all the pro-life people adopt. Especially not enough adoptions to decrease the burden on the system. You are an exception, not the rule. You see abortion as the problem when it’s really a symptom of a problem. For every child adopted how…
Nah, Russia however likely will kill him, then blame it on US government agencies and then Belarus can blame their Covid cases on this American citizen who they will say was sent by the US government to spread Covid there and the Captiol riot was all a big hoax.
This is ‘murica we’re talking about. The Founding Fathers are a divine pantheon and our history is mostly mythological.
You monster! I hope she stole all your trousers.
I feel leaving Ashley to defend the bomb is a good end for her character arc. She was xenophobic and in the end gives her life to stop the destruction of all life human and alien. Plus Kaiden seems a much better person to support Kirrahe and i just can’t let that little dude die.
I enjoy the Souls games myself. But with 2 kids and a disabled spouse there are numerous time when I have to immediately drop what I’m doing and help them. My time to play it was typically limited to the weekends when I didn’t have to work and everyone else was asleep. So constantly dying was really aggravating…
One thing that gets ignored about the Soulsborne style games is that they don’t respect your time. Games that are unforgiving and rely on trial and error to figure out enemy patterns and boss tells or weakness’ lock themselves out of people who can’t dedicate large sections of time to get things down. The loss of…
No it’s like saying when is Peterbilt bringing out it’s minivan or Ferrari is unveiling it’s family sedan. Companies tend to build what they are good at. It doesn’t mean there aren’t advances, but they know what they do well and what their customers like.
It’ll consist of being a blade who goes around lighting all the candles in all the ruins and then locking everything up behind you
Khajiit is innocent.
to be fair the crew phaser stunned janeway and paris and left the amphibian babies there.
I don’t necessarily see that as a bad thing. Especially if they Holo-Janeway start’s teaching the kids about the Federation. You can have that Star Wars Rebels or Clone Wars feel but with the whole “we’re out there to help people” of Star Trek and really 80's action tv like Knight Rider or Quantum Leap.
Oh my god, that’s the funky shit!
This is a bad take. That plant that created Tuvix was no different than the borg assimilating people. Are you find with the Borg going around and assimlating people? Does their right to exist trump the right of people living thier lives before assimilation? If seperating Tuvix back into Tuvok and Neelix is murder…
Clearly you have note seen the Season Finale of Star Trek Lower Decks? The Beluga Whales in that were hella thirsty, which is pretty amazing for creatures that spend their entire lives in the water. They’re trying to seduced everyone
To be fair the Bene Gesserit would probably try to get Jessica and Paul to bone if they knew they were alive. Later on the Bene Gesserit hatched plans to get Paul’s twin children Ghanima and Leto II to bone and have kids themselves for their own breeding program purposes.