
Jesus’ phalactery is in everyone who takes communion.  That’s the trick. BILLION’s now must die to prevent the return of the Super Lich Jesus Christ.  

Look Jesus was not a Zombie, he wasn’t mindless, he didn’t crave the flesh of the living. Jesus self-rezzed after 3 days and singlehandedly moved a giant boulder sealing him in then ascended into the sky. His cult now eats bread and drinks wine that transmute within thier bodies to flesh and blood. Jesus was totally a

The depiction of Santa Claus and the timing of the holiday and everything goes back to Odin. The whole Saint Nicholas thing is a bit of Christian syncretism trying to co-opt older traditions and make them Christian rather than pagan.

Any artistic vision is already compromised by becoming a commercial venture. The fact that it is Dark Souls 3 should already being enough evidence that the it exists because the powers that be believed it would make money rather than any grand belief in it being high art. Increasing accessibility options allows more

Yeah, GTA 3 combined the fun 3d type world of Driver with the open adventure crime spree of the previous 3 Grand Theft Auto games. At the time GTA 3 was everything you wanted and expected to be. 

I started rewatching it over my lunch break. I think I get what Villeneuve was going for. We are essentially only given the Atredies perspective of what is going on. We get that they perceive the Emperor set them up to fail but House Atredies doesn’t full grasp the full gravity of how much the Emperor wants them out

I guess he really is committed to “Sparkle Motion”. 

I’ve been talking to some people who haven’t really been into Dune until this movie. They seem to think this movie is just fine. It does a whole lot of show, not tell relying on contextual clues as much as dialog. They don’t seem lost from it. I guess what is happening is that the backstory known to existing fans is

Ah but subversions of that predictability are how you movie forward. If the Cenobites take out Leatherface we’ve got an interesting scenario going on. 

This is exactly the right mindset. When you know people aren’t going to properly get the whole of your satire you should adapt accordingly.  Rockstar is being proactive and self-aware on this front here. 

It sends a message that the Confederate Battle Standard and all it’s baggage is something Rockstar is opposed to. Removing it is a very simple way to send that message. While it may be fitting for the character if the character was a real life person, removing it from the game removes it from being part of the cultural

It’s ok to like something that has problematic characterization. If you truly enjoy something then you should be able to criticize it’s flaws and shortcomings. Frank Herbert died 35 years ago. our understanding of homosexuality being a baked in human characteristic rather than a choice has been firmly established

only if you ignore the real world context in which Frank Herbert wrote the whole Dune saga. The Baron was the personification of what Frank thought of homosexuals. the descriptions of the wrongness of the Fish Speakers homosexual tendencies goes along with the fact that God Emperor Leto II was a villain. It’s never

I really enjoyed the movie for it’s spectacle and everything but i 100% agree with everything you said. SO much political intrigue and backstory and build up was lost. There is no mention of the Butlerian Jihad and the ban on thinking machines so the entire motive to have Mentants is completely absent. The Spacing

I think too many people ignore the fact that Frank Herbert basically disowned his son Bruce Calvin Herbert because he was gay, Frank didn’t want Bruce to visit when his mother was dying and Frank never really accepted Bruce even upon his death. So the Baron’s characterization was more of a reflection upon Frank’s

it’s sorta like the ole children’s cracker jack whistle triggering toll free calling in pay phones thing. First time is an accident, any subsequent time is willful disregard. Just because you are exploiting something for your own benefit that hasn’t been fixed yet and no one is really harmed doesn’t change the fact

it happens to all of us.  Trogdor is lost on most people these days.  

Or your rogue sneak attacks with the healing knife and people have no idea how they got better.

ME3's ending suffered from plots and themes relegated to background chatter. Much of the context leading up to the ending could be missed if you didn’t go back to places and hear people talking, or if you didn’t expend all the chit chat with EDI, or listen to the news announcements. If you never actually looked at the

Indoctrination Theory requires ignoring everything explained about indoctrination up until that point. The first game makes it clear that indoctrination has to be slow or the mental faculties rapidly deteriorate. Vigil,Victory, and Vendetta, the Protean VI’s ALL could detect indoctrinated individuals and loudly