
Elon at the company picnic:

He thought Days of Thunder was a how-to movie.

Pope Pius XI owned a 770

Most countries SHOULD teach basic financial literacy in schools

“Maybe it was a safety hazard, but unfortunately, they didn’t acknowledge my email.”

You gotta do the safe picture. Then you can do the art picture. But then sometimes you gotta do the payback picture because your friend says you owe him.

Smiling politely

The D+ implies that you actually tried and did a terrible job.  

D+ is somehow more biting than a simple F.

Kenan has maybe three or four “voices” or “characters” that he uses over and over. This might have been less annoying to me if he was on SNL for four years but after 20 it’s ridiculous.


His mom wrote this

I was just making a joke about Texas being pro-business, limited government, etc.

I just assume their attitude is “It’s your fault for being taken advantage of plus the sheriff is my brother-in-law and I golf with the DA every other Wednesday. #smallgovernment #freedom”

The real story here is that Texas actually has aDeceptive Trade Practices Act”. 

Seen earlier:

Jimmy’s Canadian counterpart: “Sorry, eh?”

Ed: Season 5