
Honestly, given the prevalence of microtransactions these days, I find it hard to get too upset about this. The problem will be if the game forces an over-long grind on you in order to try to convince you to buy from the market, that would be a problem. If they don’t go down that route, then honestly I could care

*mild spoilers below*

The mustache is great but the question he asks is if it makes him look disreputable and the answer is obviously yes. He looks like he’s about to tie you to some train tracks and run away cackling with that ‘stache. I should never have sent Rukey home, next time he stays with me . . .forever! (Ah,

Mass Effect Andromeda continues to be put to shame.

McCain and two Republican Senators lied to their voters and betrayed the American people. Sure. Well, Obamacare is destined to and was designed to fail. So, you all enjoy that. Maybe after McCain and company realize you can’t lie to your voters for seven years they’ll get some sense and come to the table.

In other

Trump drives me up the wall sometimes, a lot of the times. I didn’t vote for him. Times like this though, I’m glad he just does what he does and doesn’t care what the media (over)reaction will be. Good Trump, good call.

Also, the political calculus is 100% right on the money. Dems campaigning on this issue are not

You kidding, this is my chance to try and catch up. Never finished Dishonored 2, still working my way through XCOM2. I’d love to get Persona 5 but we’ll see if that happens. Gundam Vs is coming out in September and I can’t miss that. Plus I picked up Odin Sphere a while back and never finished that either.

Oh, and

Tell me about it. It’s been clear from day one that keeping pvp and pve so closely tied works to detriment of both modes. Yet they refuse to change course. Honestly, Anthem will not have to do much to convince me to buy in. I’m already planning on not buying Destiny 2 at launch.

Exactly why I don’t own a Switch and don’t intend to buy one. Nintendo clearly does not understand gamers. Switch has some neat features but they’re obviously not trying to compete with PS4 and Xbox One and so they’re going to lose. Yeah, it sucks that I’m not going to play Zelda: Breath of the Wild, I freaking love

This sounds like great advice. Go even further to the left, get more extreme. I’m sure that if the Democratic party makes it really clear that white males are the great satan and that all Republicans are racists, that will convince them to vote for Democrats. I know if I’m called a homophobe like 5, maybe 10 more

Am I the only one that wishes that cosplay photos came captioned with who the person was cosplaying as? I mean, I keep up pretty well with my anime and games but even so there’s games/shows I miss.

“Hate” is such an over and mis-used word these days. What people are “hating” on isn’t Atari, it’s this Atari box thing. What people are is skeptical and rightly so. There’s no details on what it’s for. Atari isn’t exactly the brand powerhouse it used to be and hasn’t made hardware in decades. Plus, it’s entering a

Sigh, OoT probably won’t see this but:

“Trust me: the kids would rather not be living in an environment of constant anger and resentment, even if it means that Mom and Dad aren’t together any more.”

Dr. Nerdlove is just straight wrong on this point. I’ve talked with people who’ve gone through divorces as children and

Too bad we’ll probably never see a Starcraft 3 given the decline of strategy games and the current mania for games that are constant sources of revenue a la Overwatch. Well, gamers have only themselves to blame for the “nickel and dime you to death” brand of video games, if they weren’t profitable, they wouldn’t be

Why on Earth would people call you crazy about that? There’s absolutely zero good reason to have both the 3DS and Switch going, they’re in direct competition with each other. Plus, the 3DS has no purpose anymore. It was a portable gaming solution. The Switch is a portable gaming solution. What does the 3DS offer that

“’We need to be clear about what consent is, and we need to have those discussions in society.’”

Yet the more feminists talk about all this the more confused the issue becomes, not less.

This bill is completely unenforceable. Unless you video tape the guy purposefully removing the condom it’s going to come down to “he

Well . . . I’m not a member of the community. My uninformed opinion would be that it certainly seems to be a glitch though. I mean, isn’t a glitchless run intended to be the fastest run possible without using cheats/hacks/glitches/technology assist/etc? Basically a “normal” run only optimized? If that is the intention

“who was born male, crying because they wished they had breasts. After taking a moment to process, Fumiko responds, “Of course. After all, you are a girl.””

None of this makes sense. Half the young boys in America think they’re Spider-Man and half the girls think they’re Elsa, I would know as I have a few girls. I

Given that what makes Gorsuch such a great judge is how strictly he sticks to the Constitution, you’re just full of it. People who believe in a “living Constitution” cannot get on their high horse about “following the Constitution”. You expressly don’t and instead re-interpret the Constitution to mean whatever you

Yeah, the Times has only itself to blame for this. They tried to establish a false equivalency and failed miserably. The corrected article is only slightly better because honestly Palin shoudn’t be mentioned AT ALL since she had absolutely ZERO connection to Loughner, who was a paranoid schizophrenic who got fixated

Hahahahaha! When you’re forced to become a Christian or face fines and/or death, then we can talk about a Christian caliphate.

You all just can’t help yourself with the hyperbole huh? Can’t just have a rational disagreement with them? No, anyone who disagrees with you must be Satan!