
See Riot, this is why you don’t ever give in to the mob. They’re never satisfied.

Feels like the right answer to me. As a D1 player who skipped on D2 it had less to do with the game going “mainstream” and more to do with the fact that it just looked like more Destiny (which I enjoyed but was burnt out on), not really a sequel.

What appeals to me the most about Anthem is their talk of co-op being

The Sam and Frodo thing drives me nuts. Are people really completely incapable of understanding good strong friendship? It’s either sex or nothing? Pretty sad. 

Because it’s impossible that they be same-sex friends???

A year from now people will wonder why the quality of League of Legends will be going down.

Honestly, this article shows exactly why giving in to the mob is never a good idea because nothing will ever be good enough for the SJW mob. Of course a company that is (rightly) focused on hiring core gamers is going to be

Oh goodness, I love how this article completely glosses over the point that the “meme” is totally true. I mean, if transgenderism is true, we have no way of knowing anyone’s gender. We can only ask them what their gender is, and hope they don’t lie to us. If they do lie to us, we have no way of knowing it. 

Glad to see a sensible person in the comments here. Sad there aren’t more people like you in journalism. 

Because people the author agrees with can get away with nearly anything and people the author doesn’t agree with are the literal Devil. That’s your explanation and it’s those double standards that are infuriating people and driving them to lash out. 

Yeah, you better just get ready for this to continue because you’re obviously missing the point. So many words you write but it all boils down to, “It’s okay when I do it but not okay when you do it”.

When you and others understand that it’s not okay when anyone does it, then finally we can all settle down on this

Well, who knows. Still, looking at Dragonflies vs. Lawbreakers, I certainly would have picked Dragonflies.

I think Destiny is very nearly dead in the water. I won’t say there’s no hope of turning it around, but it’s a slim hope and I wouldn’t be surprised if the entire IP fails in the next few years. As fun as Destiny 1 could be, it could also be incredibly irritating. Destiny 2 I completely skipped out on and frankly,

I’m just really glad I skipped out on this game. Destiny 1 took ages to get to the place where it felt right and it was pretty clear from the previews that Destiny 2 was really just Destiny 1.5. I was already burnt out on Destiny 1, playing even more of it wasn’t that appealing. Now it’s clear that even Destiny 1.5 is

All you have to do is look around at the world around you to see how men and women fare when they don’t follow the Biblical model. Single motherhood, abortion, divorce. Women who are stressed and overworked as they’re expected to work and take care of the kids. Women who basically have to parent their husbands, excuse

Considering how strong the company is doing under his leadership, you wouldn’t say he’s earned his compensation? By all means, you go out and run a successful international corporation, show us how it’s all done.

When I was a kid we had to blow on our video games to make them work! Blow on them! And we liked it! Now you doggone kids with your fancypants smartyphones. *grumble grumble grumble*

Yes, well Nintendo is more concerned with making good games that sell than being politically correct. Bioware, may want to start taking notes.

Biggest shocker for me . . . Life in Aggro was actually funny.

Yeah, I’m amazed Cecilia could write this entire article and if this thought ever occurred to her, she didn’t mention it anywhere. The hypocrisy on display here is simply stunning.

I’d feel a lot differently about this if it wasn’t so hypocritical. The tactics used by these anti-feminists in S. Korea are the exact same tactics used by feminists in the West and other left-aligned folks to harass ideological opponents here. James Damore of Google anyone?

If true, I can’t blame them too much. I usually get upset at a game for dropping single player, I’m a bit sick of multiplayer only stuff. Still, CoD is a pretty known quantity at this point and you either like it or don’t. I’m one of the like, ten gamers, who don’t care much for it and haven’t bought one in years so