
Eh, they look more unique but better is more in the eye of the beholder. This kind of “out there” style can be a tough sell too. Warframe makes it work, although I have to admit the art style of Warframe was initially off-putting to me. It grows on you. Even so, Warframe is popular but not exactly Fortnite or even

Cliff is a bit of a jerk on twitter and a huge SJW, I feel for the people working for his company but can’t be too upset to see his games failing. Funny how being PC never seems to work out, Mass Effect has just grown worse and worse the more PC Bioware has become.

I just cannot see this project doing any better.

Because they don’t want to, women in general aren’t as interested in gaming as men.

Why go out of your way to hire more women? Hire the best people for the job, period. No one is demanding we hire more male teachers, secretaries, or nurses to make up for women dominating those fields.

The idea was sound but nothing about the execution made sense. To compete with consoles Steam Machines needed to be cheap and standardized. Instead you had a ton of different models ranging everywhere from bargain basement to “this thing had better be gold-plated” expensive. How was it any different from just buying a

I haven’t played Warframe in a long time so who knows how much it has changed in the years. However, when I played the grind was over the top. The game is hella fun. Honestly, I think it at the very least competes with if isn’t straight out better than Destiny. The grind was just way too much for me. Either you

How? I mean if you just use the 400 hour number and say she played 8 hours per day, that’s 50 days. The game came out January 26, there’s only been 54 days between today (3/21/18) and release. I don’t understand how this is possible and she can be a pop star too.

Does no one else find it hilarious that a Godless Shrine has a Holy Purebomb going through it? Artist shouldn’t have done this from a legal standpoint but the irony is simply dripping here.

People seem to be losing their heads a little bit over the Switch. From what I can see, I’m still not convinced it isn’t just Wii redux. A console that is popular for a while thanks to an interesting gimmick and some good games but that ultimately fails because Nintendo can’t produce quality games fast enough (which

It’s not a bad game. You just will never convince me it was worth $60. I’m firmly of the believe that “more is not always better” (I’ll take a 30-50 hour good game over a 100 hour game with tons of repetitive boring filler) but even holding to that belief Order 1886 is really, really, really short. The combat is okay,

A surprisingly fair and open-minded article. However, can we stop with the idea that everyone who doesn’t like “SJWs” most be a part of dreaded “alt-right”? If I had a PC that could run this game (or a PC at all) I’d buy it just to tick off an SJW but I’m not a member of the alt-right in the slightest. I think we

Yet the science shows that the more gender equality, the less women in STEM fields.

What was hilarious was summoning an army of Big Daddies, moving away from them for a bit to do something else, only to have them all charge into your based because they got converted while you weren’t looking.

Seriously, this has been proven so often that anyone who still touts the gender pay gap myth is either ignorant or a liar. So which category do the creators of this game fall under?

Liberals prove once again that they only tolerate people who agree with them.

It doesn’t translate well to the digital format. One big issue, you don’t need nearly as many copies of a digital card. Once I have the max number of copies I can put in a deck of a digital card, I’m good to go. I can create 50 different decks and slot in as many or few of that card as I want.

Only causing controversy among easily offended snowflakes.

98.5% of the people didn’t oppose it. A) If that stat is even correct it is B) only the percentage of the people who bothered to comment. Which would probably be a surprisingly small number. I bet your average joe doesn’t even know what net neutrality is and even as someone who’s pretty internet-savvy I didn’t realize

“With net neutrality gutted, browsing the internet could resemble the token ‘90s experience of waiting for a porn image to load pixel by pixel”

Because that is exactly what the Internet was like before net neutrality . . . oh wait, no, it wasn’t like that at all.

If he’s talented enough to be that good with Symmetra, he’s talented enough to learn a few other characters and perform well with them also. It is definitely poor sportsmanship to only pick one character in Overwatch given how the game is designed.