
You misspelled “awesome” as “horrible” in your title. That’s a weird mistake to make!

In all seriousness I did not vote for Trump, although largely because I never actually expected him to keep his promise on SCOTUS given his history. I am pleasantly surprised to be wrong on this count and seriously hope he’s given

Cataclysm/Emergence definitely came before Homeworld 2. I assume Luke is calling it the third because the other two have already been re-released or because it was not a direct sequel like Homeworld 2 was. I’d honestly probably rank Homeworld 2 as the worst of the 3. It’s story was not as good and while I liked some

Hmm, Dishonored 2 tries to be more social justice oriented, is largely considered worse then its predecessor.

Mass Effect: Andromeda tries to be more social justice oriented, is definitely inferior to prior games.


Please don’t kill Peter and have us play as Miles. I mean, I don’t mind Miles being playable, just don’t kill Peter to do it.

Eh, I can understand where Jason is coming from, it was a little bloated. I mean, it was a lot of fun and I dug the characters but I hit the 100 hour mark and still had a boatload of sidequests to do and just burned out. The combat was only so-so and there were other games I wanted to play. I could have just skipped

Uh, say what? Nintendo is known for delaying games all the time. Now granted usually they delay games for the better and the games ends up coming out great so I don’t really mind them doing delays but you can’t say their track record is great for development times. That’s ridiculous. It’s been 10 freaking years since

This is what I’ve been thinking. Maybe I’m too much of a Sony fanboy at this point but while very cool, I just don’t see how this really changes much.

When I skipped WiiU I did it knowing full well I would miss some great first party Nintendo games but I decided that would be worth it in order to avoid missing, well,

I still can’t get over the fact that the City falls to the Cabal. I’m not as into Destiny lore as some but I swear that the main reason they put the City under the Traveller in the first place was because it offered protection to them. Otherwise, they could have built the City any place they pleased. It also feels a

I hear you. Destiny 2 looks more like glorified DLC than an actual sequel and next to Anthem, it definitely does look a little dated. Not to mention that for as much fun as Destiny was by the end I was really frustrated with the game and several decisions made by Bungie. Granted, some of those have been fixed such as

Fool, you buy the game now of course!

Honestly . . . Trump is President and companies still seem to think that SJWs represent the majority rather than the minority they actually are. Give me a break.

BTW, I did not vote for Trump, I went third party, just pointing out the facts.

I’d love to see Sony do a video with all the evasions MS has for exclusive and then be like, “Here’s what we mean when we say exclusive” and then just show Horizon Zero Dawn. “See this, you’ll never play it on an Xbox, ever.” End video.

As he sped his car through a course in Dubai, he drew my attention to the reflection of the clouds on the body of his car, the high resolution rendering of other cars and the impressiveness of the rocks on the periphery of the course. He pointed out the vibration of the windshield wipers while in cockpit view.

I could be 100% wrong but I really feel like Warframe would be serious competition for Destiny if it wasn’t F2P (by which I mean it is grindy as all hell).

On the one hand it looks really cool. On the other hand it looks like a Destiny rip-off. I’m conflicted.

A fun game, a shame that the playerbase just isn’t there. I got it on PS4 a while back and played through the campaign, which is pretty mediocre to be honest. Tried my hand at the multiplayer and surprisingly I was amazing at it. Which blew me away because I’m somewhere between bad to at best mediocre at most

^ This is the big flaw I see in the hackers’ plan.

I mean, I just don’t see how much CDPR has to lose in the detail. As always when it comes to ransom demands, giving in to the ransom is likely only to create a situation the perpetuates more ransom demands. While standing up to it makes it clear that no one else should

You know you love it.

Seems interesting but how long can this keep up? I mean, I got into Fire Emblem Heroes bad and basically ignored every other game on my phone. Then I got into Shadowverse and I’ve been ignore Fire Emblem Heroes (sorry Ike, I still love you). I can’t be the only person in this situation?

I have to disagree with you. I’m one of the precious few people who chose Battleborn over Overwatch and one of the main reasons I did so was because it had PvE and Overwatch didn’t. To my surprise, I didn’t really care for the PvE though. Missions were too long, too repetitive, and enemies weren’t as fun to fight as