Maybe it’s just the general bent of articles on Kotaku? I admit that I too was suspecting that he had somehow been “cheated” when I read the headline. But no, he was just a dummkopf and he admits as much.
Maybe it’s just the general bent of articles on Kotaku? I admit that I too was suspecting that he had somehow been “cheated” when I read the headline. But no, he was just a dummkopf and he admits as much.
Eh, I’m not so sure. On the one hand, developers have talked about how the hard limitations of older consoles forced them to be more creative. Also, you can certainly make a case that budgets have ballooned out of control due to improve technology and the drive to create “photo-realistic” games and all of that. Ollie…
I’ll say it over and over again until I’m blue in the face, we do not, DO NOT, want realism. Not from our video games, not from TV shows, movies, books, whatever it is. If it’s fictional I can guarantee you we do not want realism from it even though people keep using “realism” and “realistic” as buzz words. We live in…
Well, it still technically qualifies as censorship even though it is not the gov’t doing the censoring. It is NOT a violation of his free speech rights though, that is absolutely correct and a private company is certainly well within their rights to refuse to use his voice work for any reason whatsoever.
Now, if only…
It makes me sad that every now and again an article pops up like this on Kotaku. Seems much of the staff is dealing with and/or has dealt with depression or something similar. Pardon me for being religious but there is answer to that and it is in Jesus Christ. No matter how crazy this world gets I understand that God…
Literally just traded in this game to get Andromeda. Way too little way too late.
We will survive. This is the problem with cutting budgets, everyone complains about losing their slice of the pie. It’s hardly critical the gov’t fund arts and especially video games and I say this as someone who freaking LOVES video games. I’m 30 years old and still gaming every day. Seriously folks, the gov’ts money…
Roy is probably not a good pick to 5 star. I say this as someone who spent 20,000 feathers getting my Roy to 5 star. He’s a monster against anything and everything green. Green axe gets in his face, he laughs, takes 0 damage, debuffs the dude’s defense, and murders him. Green mage, he laughs, takes maybe 2 damage,…
Oh please, you should also add a bit of context for non-lawyers that grand juries are very friendly to prosecutors. If you can’t even convince a grand jury, your chances of winning in actual court are very low.
This is shoddy reporting, I’m sure the author is leaving out a lot. If the situation was so clear then the grand jury would have indicted. Grand juries are notoriously easy to convince, mainly because they don’t have to decide guilt, just if there’s enough evidence to warrant the case going to court. Also, they’re…
I’ve fought one Thunderjaw at a time and that thing is beasty. I noticed a pack of two of them roaming around near a Tallneck and I was just thinking, “How? How could I even think of taking two down at once?” I have yet to try it.
The Shellwalkers are hilarious. They seem so gentle and nice compared to the other units…
The Glinthawks just drive me batty as they’ll show up when I’m trying to fight someone else. Then I try to run away from the Glinthawks but they’re damn birds so of course they know what clump of tall grass I went into and I can’t get into a different one without them seeing me because they’re birds and they can fly…
No problem here, it’s a bit of harmless (yes, harmless) humor and Japan has a different sense of humor than the US anyway. So don’t try to force your expectations off on them.
On a more serious note, transgender ideology doesn’t make any sense anyway. If we accept it as true then we’re left with absolutely no way to…
It’s a valid concern, especially as not all gamers are 20-somethings in college with all the free time in the world. As a father and a worker my free time is pretty limited so I don’t want to play a game that has a lot of pointless filler so they can put down “Over 100 hours of gameplay!” on the box.
Honestly, I’m…
What a bunch of nonsense. “Calling themselves wise they became fools” and articles like this prove it. I’m sorry you are so uncomfortable with your body and the way you were born. I wish there was something I could do to help you. Sympathy for your situation doesn’t change the facts however. “Transwomen” are men,…
So . . . adjusting for the political exposition no one asked for or cares about . . . I’m getting a 9/10, absolutely great game! Thanks for the advice!
“Or, in this case, it might be the government that secures him the right to fix these machines.”
This is a grave misunderstanding. The gov’t does not secure or grant us any rights. Our rights exist beyond the scope of gov’t and it is gov’ts job to respect those rights and abide by them. However, those rights are…
While I don’t always agree with the Doc, I find he generally gives good advice. With CBL though, no, that’s just plain terrible advice. You don’t need to read any books about poly or even bring up the idea of a poly relationship to “Janet”. You need to quit seeing “Amy”, plain and simple. If what you have with “Janet”…
He definitely looks 10x cooler.
When I saw this had been updated I was thinking Horizon Zero Dawn had better be on here or I would scream. Glad to see Horizon getting the credit it deserves. Yes, graphics and processing power aren’t everything but a great game can be made better by good graphics and processing power. Horizon clearly shows that.