
The traps being on the d-pad is the only annoyance I have about the game right now. I constantly forget about them because I keep thinking all my offensive options are on the weapon wheel. I honestly wish there was a “traplayer” weapon or something like that which would just let us place traps rather then having them

Yeah, maybe I’m just overly cynical/skeptical of Switch but some of the media coverage is getting a little grating. I have no doubt as a console it works fine and also no doubt Breath of the Wild is an amazing game, but let’s not lose the forest for the trees here. The fact of the matter is Switch is still not proven

Zelda may be eating up a lot of media oxygen but Horizon is doing fine. I believe it has been one of the fastest selling new IPs and even outsold Zelda. Which, given how few people own a WiiU and how skeptical many of us are of Switch, is not surprising. Nintendo has really done their brand a lot of harm and lost a

My feelings on this are mixed.

Pro - It’s better than the paragon/renegade system in Mass Effect where you basically stopped actually making choices and just focused on filling up your blue or red meter. Decisions that should have been hard instead came down to, “Am I playing Captain Boy Scout this playthrough or

How on Earth is this acceptable in a game that has a highly competitive scene with actual cash prizes at stake? That’s just nuts.

Eh, I will admit to being a bit salty I can’t play Breath of the Wild right now but this was the call I made when I avoided buying a WiiU, a decision I still don’t regret. I knew I’d miss out on great Nintendo games but in return I’ve gotten, well, pretty much EVERY OTHER GAME given that nothing comes out for WiiU

So these numbers are pretty inconclusive then. I’m honestly surprised to hear the Wii number was so low when that console received so much hype. Of course it went on to be one of the best selling consoles of all time, although I don’t think that necessarily qualifies it as a success. My Wii spent months gathering dust

Query: Do companies do this to each other’s products? Like, do Sony or Microsoft buy Nintendo Switches just so they can study them and take them apart and figure out what Nintendo did and how they did it? Would Nintendo do the same to Playstation and Xbox?

My problem exactly but I knew when I skipped WiiU I would miss some good games. Still, been worth it to not miss every major third party game, I’ve been very happy with my PS4.

I’m waiting on Switch, it looks cool but also seems like it will have the same 3rd party issues WiiU had. I hate to miss Zelda, but I hate

It’s funny because I feel like as a dad, the portability is a feature that really won’t do me much good. Of course it sounds like our life situations are a bit different. For one, I am the TV hog in the house. I tend to play video games after the rest of the family is asleep so I get the TV all to myself. I drive to

It’s actually not a complicated case at all. She should be wrestling with girls but since she’s on testosterone, which as far as I know is akin to being on steroids, she should be banned from wrestling girls. Not complicated at all if you’re a reasonable person who acknowledges basic reality and biology.

“increasingly impotent progressive coalition fails to halt the rise of fascism” I’m sorry but this is ridiculous and this is one of the biggest issues with liberals. This is just pure hyperbole. For 8 years the progressive agenda has proceeded along pretty well. Yeah, you all didn’t get EVERYTHING you wanted, that’s

Eh, I used to be whitelisted or whatever you call it and for completely unknown reasons am now greyed out. Emailed Kinja or whomever about it and was told basically “Nothing we can do. Contribute interesting dialogue to the conversation.”

Yeah . . .sure . . . I’m confident that the fact that I’m a social conservative

Before I even read the article I knew it would take a dim view of Candice’s claims. There’s no way gays could be bad or anything like that. They are all perfect and good and wonderful and it’s those nasty straight people who are all bad. Candice is just lucky she isn’t white or else this article would slam her as a

Alright, I have to give Kirk all of these, they are issues. Honestly, though, I mainly got used to them and didn’t mind them much. The fast travel especially was not much of an issue for me. I liked having Iggy drive me around so I almost never picked it and honestly, the fast travel took so long to load it usually

Arena In FE Heroes is quickly getting on my nerves. I’m fortunate enough to have a 5 star Takumi which is great for me but I feel bad using him. Honestly, it’s also just plain boring. Majority of my kills end up going to Takumi because he can one-shot nearly everyone in the game so it just makes sense to have him get

I’m sure this is sacrilege but I tried playing this game later in life, I didn’t have a Super Nintendo, can’t remember if I was playing on PC or what. Anyway, tried playing this game because I’ve heard so much about it and honestly. . . it was only okay for me. The sheer number of spells, many of which seemed

It’s the truth.

“As a result of the Kentucky case, the State Department stopped processing Iraq refugees for six months in 2011, federal officials told ABC News – even for many who had heroically helped U.S. forces as interpreters and intelligence assets. One Iraqi who had aided American troops was assassinated before

You claim he’s being ignorant but it’s you who’s being ignorant. In 2011 Obama did suspend the refugee program from Iraq. President Trump did the same thing, just from different countries. You missed OP’s entire point.

The ACLU has become a bit of a joke. FIRE is an actually bipartisan organization that is much better and actually committed to defending free speech for everyone, regardless of politics.