
“Shits so real right now, to not notice whats going on and not want to support these groups... you either gotta be really blind or really hateful.”

And you’re part of the problem. So, anyone who disagrees with you is hateful? They can’t just have a different opinion than you? This is exactly why the country is so

Unfortunately many left-wing judges start with the policy they want to achieve and then reason backwards from there. Which is exactly the opposite of how a judge should behave. As Antonin Scalia said, every judge should have a stamp on their desk that reads “Stupid but Constitutional”. To any honest and reasonable

Seriously, I have yet to see an actual argument against the immigration EO other than a lot of hyperventilating. It’s not a Muslim ban, even the fake news mainstream media have stopped calling it that. It’s only temporary, so again hard to see what there is to be outraged about. Unconstitutional? Puh-leez, point out

Awkward phrasing but he’s 100% correct. The problem with abortion isn’t that you’re doing something to your body, it’s that you’re killing the new body that is growing inside of you. You can do what you want to your body, you don’t get to kill someone else though just because they happen to be in utero.


Eh, I can understand people wanting the gear to port over as you get attached to it. Honestly, it’s pretty much the only stuff in Destiny I’m attached to. My guardian is such a blank slate I couldn’t care less about her.

That said, I think they need to lose the D1 gear. They’ll have a lot more flexibility to create

I use him a lot and I see him in play a lot. Yeah, he’s got a lot of flaws as a unit but he hits like a truck and even if there are a lot of counters to him, he forces an enemy to use elixir countering him. You can’t ignore a Prince coming at you.

Yeah, I totally get what you’re saying here. I’m someone who mainly likes single-player but I get the appeal of PvP. There’s something different about knowing you beat an actual person instead of a computer. There is that joy in the comeback win or victory you barely squeak out. I really don’t begrudge people who

In fairness I have not played any Zelda games prior to Ocarina of Time and I never played any of the 3DS games but Oot being #7 just stings. I mean, I understand it not being #1 but #7? That is just . . . that’s crazy.

On the other hand, nice to see some love for Majora’s Mask. No idea how that one flew under the

I’m honestly not sure how to answer. Do you mean “use” as in “I use it on a fairly regular basis” or as in “I’ve used it at least once”? I mean, I have used the thing but only a handful of times and I’ll typically use my smartphone over the console browser.

Of all the replies I would have expected, this is not it. I mean, not everyone has to like the game. That’s fine. Of the three Nintendo mobile games it’s definitely the one most like other mobile games, for better and for worse.

I’m sorry but if you’re in retail and you devise a system where your employees get dinged for making huge sales, then you’ve screwed up. I don’t care how much more profitable pre-owned games are for Gamestop, no one should feel bad about a $1,000+ sale.

I’m sure I’m not the only one who barely even shops at Gamestop

Haha, I don’t ragequit and this might make me not a “true” Fire Emblem fan but what you’re talking about is part of why I’ve always been iffy on the permadeath system. All it ends up meaning is that I do not let ANYONE DIE. Under any circumstances. I would reload, reload, reload, until I figured out the perfect

This is not a well-written article. This is not a well-written article. This is not a well-written article. This is not a well-written article. This is not a well-written article. This is not a well-written article. This is not a well-written article. This is not a well-written article. This is not a well-written

I mean, I just, I have a hard time believing this because it is so stupid. I mean, I can see how maybe in a board room it sounded like a great idea and people just didn’t think of the unintended consequences. However, once it got out in the wild and you got reports of employees lying about new games in order to avoid

I honestly wonder about this. I mean, it sure seemed like the liberal base was pretty fired up and anti-Trump yet HRC still lost. Is it really a winning strategy for the Dems to try to fire up the base even harder? I could be wrong but it really seems like moderating would be the better route to go. Oh well, only time

Citizens United? It’s hearhere to stay.

> I’m getting tired of all these dumb political ‘traditions’ only being upheld by one party

That party being the GOP. You do know it was the Democrats that exercised the nuclear option, a massive break with tradition that they’re regretting now.

Tom Scocca is so insanely partisan I doubt anything will break through but you know what, I’ll give it a shot anyway.

#1 - Biden in 1992 pulled a very similar move. Arguing that since it was an election year the Senate should wait until after the election to confirm a nominee.

#2 - Republicans were, as Tom points out,

They’re free to do as they please but I think it’s worth pointing out that if this was coming from the other side of the aisle, I don’t think folks would be so pleased. I mean, do we really think every single person at Insomniac shares the same politics? How many show up in that video because they felt like they had

Team Ike all the way.