
A good send-off for the WiiU and definitely one of Nintendo’s strengths, being able to make a console and games that are family friendly, which is part of why I like them so much and want to see them succeed. The fact is though we’re past the stage where video games were only a kid’s thing. When I was growing up, my

And gullible folks like you are why they printed it, give you yet more reasons to not like Trump. I don’t like him and I didn’t vote for him but nothing in that report, at least so far, is verified and Buzzfeed admits it. Which is exactly why it was so irresponsible for them to print it. The notion that they want to

Honestly it doesn’t matter if everything in the report is later proved to be 100% true, Buzzfeed was still in the wrong. It’s not responsible to go around publishing unproven rumors of folks. If I was a reporter I couldn’t just go around publishing rumors that “JoeQ” is a secret agent for the Chinese and got caught

Thank you, you hit the nail on the head. There’s stuff in that report that could be confirmed or denied by folks with the right resources, such as, oh I don’t know, reporters; yet so far, nothing has been confirmed. To throw it all out there anyway is a complete abdication of journalistic responsibility, I mean, how

Eh, whatever your political leanings you should be able to see that Buzzfeed was grossly irresponsible in publishing that document. Reporters can’t just dump all sorts of unsubstantiated rumors into the public sphere and call that “transparency”, that’s a hit job. It’d be like if I was a reporter and posted a bunch of

They really need to up the limit of pictures you can save, 150 is not nearly enough. That said, Ignis is my favorite, hands down. Easily the best looking member of the group and always so stylish. Plus, whenever he goes, “THAT’S IT! I’ve discovered a new recipe”. I’m just like, “You go Ignis, I’m happy for you”. Plus

Eh, as an Evangelical Christian I chose not to vote for Trump but many of my friends did and it’s not hard to understand why. The Democratic party has done so much to alienate itself from Christians and basically set itself up as the enemy of Christianity, many of my friends felt they didn’t really have a choice. It

As someone who didn’t vote for Trump, I imagine many of the Mormons are probably taking the same stance I am. He wasn’t my pick but he’s President now so we’ll congratulate him when he does something right and criticize him when he does something wrong. There’s no good reason to just oppose him on every single thing

Oh for Pete’s sake what is this drivel?

“I also know, looking from the outside in, it will appear that Choir is endorsing tyranny and facism by singing for this man.”

Look, I’m a “NeverTrumper” who stuck to his guns and refused to vote for the man on election day but statements like that one above are just ridiculous.

You completely missed the point. You’re the judgmental one that has a label for everyone who dares disagree with you on a subject. If they don’t agree with you about gay marriage, homophobe. Don’t agree with you about immigration, xenophobe. Think we don’t need affirmative action anymore, racist. I could go on all

In fairness the combat is very imprecise, however, the game was also never designed to be played the way he is playing it so I can’t really sympathize with him.

The depths of stupid this comment descends to just blow my mind. “Forced labor”, are you freaking kidding me? This is no different than an employee at a restaurant being “forced” to serve everyone who comes through the door. A restaurant employee can’t deny someone service based off their skin color, disability,

Titanfall 2 is absolutely amazing. Whatever moron (or morons) decided to sandwich it between Call of Duty and Battlefield should be tarred and feathered.

Seriously, this is a big thing that bothers me with liberals. They take something that should be unobjectionable, and turn it into a controversy. I mean, if you’re making a Native American character for a video game and want to dress him up in (largely) historically accurate style, whatever, be my guest. It’s your

Well . . . this was unexpected. Not even willing to say “good job”, I mean, wow. I was expecting the praises for Blizzard to go through the roof as Kotaku is incredibly NOT diverse when it comes to political/social/cultural beliefs. Is there even a Republican, much less a conservative (or gaia forbid, a Christian) on

Now, we all know that only sophisticated people play video games.

(I’m being sarcastic btw)

I’ve always believed “to each their own” but I have to agree, I gave up PC gaming a few years back and I don’t really miss it. I’ve really enjoyed gaming on my PS4 and how much simpler it is then messing with a PC. The only sad part is I miss strategy games. I would love to play Homeworld: Deserts of Kharak or Grey

I’m curious, would this article have been written the same way if Hillary had won the election and had put out a tweet or statement criticizing the F-35 program? I just don’t think so.

I imagine instead the article would have talked about what a mess the F-35 program is, congratulated Hillary for recognizing that,

Far too many liberals don’t seem to think too far beyond, “What do I want, and how do I get it now?”. If they did, they would never have nuked the filibuster for presidential nominees (except SCOTUS), a decision which they’re now regretting and realizing hands Trump a very powerful tool. This is one of the biggest

Eh, you say you’re not for censorship but too often I find that progressives are very much for censorship, they just refuse to call it by that name because they know that would land them in hot water.

Putting that aside however, the biggest issue here is the hypocrisy. We’re not supposed to “judge” or “put our morals