Ah, I just deleted this from my PS4 not too long ago and now I’m tempted to go try it again. There are just not enough hours in the day I tell you . . .
Ah, I just deleted this from my PS4 not too long ago and now I’m tempted to go try it again. There are just not enough hours in the day I tell you . . .
Eh, that’s a matter of opinion though I will grant that many of the designs are very odd. I think the Fey especially is just a huge miss and could do with a redesign. Murdock and Twinblast are super cool though IMO.
I’m only speaking for myself here but this game is a few years too late for me. I was excited to hear about a new Mechwarrior game being made but then it turned out to be MechWarrior Online. MWO is a very pretty game and I desperately tried to like it, I really wanted to like it, but it just wasn’t any good for me.…
Ask and ye shall receive
This is a self-evident point, it’s the equivalent of pointing out water is wet. Men and women behave differently around each other than they do around same-sex peers, so yes, changing one of the core four to female would have massively changed group dynamics. I mean, there’s no non-snarky way to say this, but you must…
Honestly, I really prefer the TF2 Titans to the TF1 Titans. The balance is a lot better and they each just have a bit more personality and fit their role better. You can pry my Scorch away from me when I’m dead and burned to cinders.
“Plot Summary: During an alternate world’s WWII, the proud princess Finé 0f Eylstadt struggles to protect her people from invading Germanian forces. Under near-death circumstances, she reencounters the witch Izetta, the last-known descendant of a famous witch and a childhood friend. Izetta devotes herself to…
I agree, it’s been pretty disappointing that ever since they made PS+ mandatory for online gaming that the quality of free games has gone down. However, if there was one time of year to release a big shiny AAA game for “free”, it would have been now. Invisible Inc and Stories are actually two really great titles…
I disagree, these are actually good games. Granted, I miss the days when something like Bioshock Infinite would show up in PS Plus. These are relatively inexpensive and small-scale titles but they’re good small titles.
For those who can manage PC and console gaming, sure, Invisible Inc and Stories probably go on sale…
This, I love how the article itself has a screenshot from a cheat program website. I mean, this isn’t exactly deepweb stuff we’re talking about here. People think Blizzard just doesn’t know how to use Google? Can code and manage an enormously complex and popular video game but are stymied by a simple Google search?
Seriously, it’s such a dumb defense. It’s like saying, “I only robbed ONE bank, it’s not that big a deal!”.
I can understand that but at the same time, I can’t quite grasp it. I mean, I understand the concept of someone who wants to win at all costs. Say, tries to win a baking contest by buying a dessert rather than making it. I just can’t quite grasp why someone would be so desperate to win that they would want to win at…
Eh, that sounds like a great reason to be a modder, not use cheats.
I’m sure this question has been asked a million times but what is even the point of using a cheat like this? I mean, at that point you’re not really playing the game anymore so how on Earth can you feel good about your “achievement”? I mean, when I managed to get a kill streak in TitanFall 2 I feel awesome about it…
I think it’s probably the nostalgia talking. I know the RPG that will always hold a special place in my heart is Ocarina of Time (I never had a SNES sadly). It was one of my first, if not first ever 3D games and I just loved the story, combat, exploration, etc. I don’t think any game will ever really capture that same…
Would have been interested in buying this but not if the money is going to two of the worst, most divisive, and ugly organizations out there. Ah well, not like I would have had time to play all these games anyway.
Except this literally is censorship, it’s a call for the game not to be made unless it appeals to feminist sensibilities, which, by the way, are not even shared by most women.
Feminists - We’re not for censorship or anything like that!
Feminists - This board game is terrible and should not be made unless it appeals to my sensibilities!
Not hypocritical at all, no sirree.
In other news, most board gamers are men. I am completely shocked by this turn of events, next you’ll tell me that most…
Hey now, as a modern American male I am completely unable to distinguish between fantasy and reality! This is why I am commonly known to run around banging my head into bricks and expect flowers to give me fire powers.
Every time I think we’ve reached peak PC, the Brigade of the Perpetually Offended find new ways to surprise me with their idiocy. I propose we all just stop talking because apparently anything and everything is offensive.