
I’m firmly #NeverTrump so I am in no way a Trump supporter but these media hit pieces on Trump are not doing anyone any favors. They don’t sway Trump supporters in the slightest and they only bolster the fact that media is in the tank for the Democrats. If the media wants to regain its credibility, it’s got to quit

Okay, that was an absolutely stellar performance but I have to say I don’t really understand what his opponents were doing. Why weren’t they mobbing every point? He fought the bounty Titan unopposed for a good 10-30 seconds, what were the other guys doing?

I’ve noticed a lot of people just do not seem to understand

Eh, even though the Doc says he doesn’t think too charitably of “Abby”, he’s still a bit too soft on her. Assuming H&C is being honest here, there just seems to be absolutely no good reason for Abby to continue in that relationship. I mean, breaking up is hard to do but for goodness’s sake, Abby and her boyfriend seem

Eh, I’m having a hard time believing that Dishonored 2 lacks “charm”. The first game was an amazing exercise in world-building and lore. If the sequel is at all like it, which it sounds like it is, then I just can’t fathom that complaint.

I also have my doubts about “abandoning interesting ideas quickly”. I think

Oh yeah, sure this change isn’t about getting people to buy more loot boxes. Sure it isn’t!

By the way, did I mention I’m a Nigerian prince and if you reply to this comment with your bank account number, routing number, and social security number I can have $1 million dollars wired directly to your account? For reals!

It’s a good game that is worth a shot. If you like shooters but hate twitch shooters, this is a really great fit. As has been said a million times, it’s really unfair to compare it to Overwatch as the two games are quite different in how they play. Personally, I also think many of the Battleborn are also quite

Liberals don’t seem to have learned a single thing from their loss. Pro-tip folks, this is not a good tactic.

“Hey there, now I know you’re just some privileged racist white guy who hates immigrants, but let me tell you why you should vote for Hillary Clinton!”

Everyone stopped listening somewhere between “privileged”

I see your point but I have to say that if they’re going to talk politics, I like doing it like this in a dedicated post, basically a “megathread” rather than be reading some piece about a cool video game that all the sudden becomes a lecture about what a racist dunderhead I am.

A “megathread” like this is fine. It clearly states what it is, what it is for, and you can choose to click and participate it, or not. What is annoying is when you’re reading something completely unrelated to politics and all the sudden you’re getting a lecture about what a racist dunderhead you are and why can’t you

‘Our focus at Kotaku is on an artform and its culture, on the people who experience it and create it. We do so with a diverse staff and in hopes to attract an ever more diverse readership, one where people of all ethnicities, genders, sexual orientations, faiths and political views feel welcome, a “Kotaku for everyone.

Console master race! I kid, I kid.

On a more serious note, this is part of why I abandoned PC gaming, just reading Kirk talking about messing with FXaa and all sorts of stuff that I have no idea what it does makes my eye twitch. I will gladly take the graphics downgrade for playing on console if it means that I don’t

Wow, I’m firmly #NeverTrump and refused to vote for the man but this is just hilarious. He’s an incompetent narcissist and con man, not freaking Hitler. I fully expect him to govern a lot more left-wing than most of his right-wing voters are expecting. Maybe he’ll prove me wrong there, I hope he does but I’m not

Yeah, no, sounds like great stuff all around. No surprise that Congress won’t go for term limits. It would be great but I honestly have no idea how we would ever get them passed. Congress would never go for it.

Obamacare has been an obvious disaster, I have no idea how anyone could be defending that law at this point.


Your political drivel is not worth my continued support/clicks. If Kotaku wants to post this kind of nonsense, expect consequences. There’s absolutely zero shortage of political sites for such opinions to be aired on.

Y’all do realize that interjecting political nonsense like this is a big reason why people dislike Kotaku and were happy to see Gawker go down? I mean, at the very least, can we clearly define op-ed pieces, especially political ones, from more general video game news?

Also, let’s not ruin a great game like Metal Gear

Every time I see one of these shorts I think how sad it is that Overwatch has no campaign mode.

If we’re going to get upset about bosses trying to influence employee votes can we at least be fair about it? My bosses are making very little effort to hide their liberal bent and making it clear that for our business to do well (law firm) we should vote for liberals. I don’t care what they say, I don’t plan on

In fairness I have never been a fan of CoD multiplayer and have been one of like, 10 gamers on the planet, who haven’t bought a CoD game in years. That said, I tried the IW beta and hoo boy, I know how you feel. Every time someone so much as looked at me funny, “Bam, you’re dead!”. I hated it. If the campaign is

Destiny should be taking notes and follow suit.

One of the things that is killing me is how does the released game compare to the tech test? I know Heather liked the tech test but there was a lot of negative feedback to the tech test (I was part of that group) and I’m really curious what changes, if any, there are from the tech test build to the launch build. I