
From what I’ve heard there are two reasons.

1 - So you know at a glance what you’re dealing with.

2 - To avoid unbalanced cookie cutter builds. In TF1 there ended up being “meta” builds that everyone ran because they were the best so balance was shot and it just got stale.

It’s a joke you uptight liberals. Calm down. Given you all were justifying actual riots not too long ago because the rioters were the right skin color, you don’t have a leg to stand on when it comes to these criticisms.

It would probably help that game, the Dark Zone never seemed like a great idea IMO. Far too limited appeal and most players would just stay away. Heck, the whole concept of the Dark Zone was one of the reasons I never bought The Division, it sounded terribly un-fun.

“90% of my kills are melee and shotgun.” This is why I hate the Crucible, right there.

“What’s the meta?” It’s shotguns, it’s always been shotguns, shotguns all freaking day long. It’s one of the things I hate most about Destiny pvp and part of why I ignore it as much as possible. Honestly, I don’t know why Bungie keeps trying to get me to play pvp via quests and such. Really, I don’t want to be there

Part of me wants to disagree with you but the other part wants to go “Yeah, you’re right!”. All I can say is that I loved Titanfall 1 and was really disappointed by the tech test and I know from the chatter around the forums and subreddit I wasn’t the only one. I’m working with a crazy small sample size but I went

“I just don’t got time”

I could be 100% wrong but I think eventually we’re going to see the market shift away from multiplayer titles specifically because of this issue, because of time. How many multiplayer focused games can a person play at once? Not many and as the market gets more full of these, eventually there

My thoughts exactly but I’m really hoping for totally awesome. From what I’ve seen so far, I’m encouraged that it will be good.

Not sure this is a smart idea. Those of us gamers who follow the news could start making our decisions about whether or not to buy right now if we were just given the info. If we like what we hear, we could then spread the word to others. Waiting until January and launching in March, just seems problematic. Everyone

Everyone’s Gone to Rapture looks like a really boring game and I don’t know how many people have heard of Costume Quest, I certainly have never heard of it. Compared to the days when I was getting games like Prototype 2 and Bioshock Infinite for free from PS+, it’s definitely a step down.

Ugh, I had been hoping things would turn a corner since Transformers Devastation was released last month but it appears that was just a fluke. If PS Plus wasn’t necessary to do online gaming, I wouldn’t even be bothering with it at this point.

I could be, heck I probably am wrong, but I think Evolve should have had some kind of campaign or story mode. The 4 v 1 concept was always really interesting but the fact that it was multiplayer only was a pretty big turn-off for me. If it had included a campaign I would have had something to do and then would have

Seems fine, most men just look disturbing when they try to dress up as women anyway.

Wow, great work all around, especially on the Warhammer costume. Not sure how dumb I should feel about this but I can’t identify the last one at all, where is that from? Not Gears of War, surely not Haze?

Eh, I hope this isn’t the case because this is one of the biggest problems with WiiU. The screen controller gimmick never made much sense to me but it’s not really a drawback either. The biggest drawback to buying a WiiU is that it has no games coming out for it. I mean, it makes a great second console but how many of

Eh, I don’t know about that. WiiU was obviously a trainwreck from day one. I was not surprised that it flopped and honestly shocked Nintendo ever expected it to do well. I’m insanely happy I bought a PS4 instead of a WiiU. This Switch though, I think it has promise. For years now I’ve thought it would be great if you

Eh, I’m with the moderators on this one. They have a very clear definition of what they consider anime. Shelter doesn’t meet it, so they removed it. So far as I can tell, they aren’t claiming their definition is the only acceptable definition of anime, they’re simply saying “These are the rules for our subreddit” and

This! I hate to be nitpicky, I really do, but the Ghost bothers me to no end. Amazing cosplay though, simply amazing. They could cast her to play Mara Sov in a live-action Destiny movie.

I believe penguinsftw is trying to show that OP is being hypocritical. Worrying about right-wingers trying to keep people out of the polls when the Black Panthers have already done that. It’s kind of like how left-wingers have no problem with rioting and looting so long as it is Black Lives Matter doing the rioting

I don’t know about other folks but the lack of single-player is what turned me off of this game. There are so many games out there right now that are multi-player only and these games are time sinks. Nothing about Dead Star stood out enough to me to convince me it was better to play than Battleborn, Overwatch, or