
Yeah, there’s no good answer to this conundrum but of all the bad choices, I’d have to say save the occupants of the car is the least bad answer. I’m not stepping foot in a self-driving car that doesn’t putting saving me (and my family) as its top priority.

I hear you. I’m still a little salty that Battleborn got its scores knocked down because its story content was (admittedly) imperfect while Overwatch gets a total pass and lacks any kind of story content. I mean, on the one hand, sure, I understand it’s tough to mark a game down for a feature it doesn’t have. On the

Sorry, I can’t take Cecilia or really anyone from Kotaku seriously on this stuff. Honestly, I 100% agree with Cecilia that this is deplorable. Issue is, I think it’s terrible because I do my best to live by moral values and prize modesty. Folks like Cecilia try to say sex before marriage is fine or think “slutwalks”

Meh, so much doom and gloom. Trump is still going down in flames over that video. The reason Trump is able to turn things around so well in this case is because the Clintons are just as, if not more, sleazy than Trump himself! If the Dems had run anyone else besides Clinton against Trump, they’d be cleaning house. Of

Hardly a surprise. Honestly, if I were a gambling man, I’d lay down a hefty bet on this game never being released and consider it a safe investment.

“It’s standard Destiny rhythm: Bungie creates a tedious experience, so players find an exploit to get around it. Instead of trying to make the experience less tedious, Bungie simply removes the exploit.”

This, a thousand times, this. Been having fun getting back in to Destiny and I don’t even mind that for a while

Surely all you need is the Cloud card, right? I mean, he just wins the game for you automatically doesn’t he?

Personally my issue is that they’re locking gear behind this ridiculously high wall and this is a game where the main point is the gear. I mean, you don’t play Destiny for weeks or months on end because of the story. You play it because of the gear. To level up your gear and get a nice sweet collection of gear. So, I

I could spend an hour putting my reply in rhyme, but I’m going to skip that nonsense.

Anyway, freaking love Warframe but IMO it’s hard to say it’s the better game. When people complain about the grind in Destiny all I can think is, “Tried Warframe? Because until you’ve played Warframe you don’t know the meaning of the

So is there an actual argument buried somewhere in this rant? All I see is a long anti-police screed and no actual rationale to justify said anti-police screed.

That’s the only way I see PS Pro being a negative for Sony. I mean, I’m not a huge fan of this mid-generation upgrade thing but the more I see of it the less problematic I find it. Enthusiasts get to buy a shiny new toy, and if you’ve got a 4K TV then it’s a plus for you. Meanwhile you don’t lose anything by having a

If you’re reading that and think the writer is making fun of suicide and thinks suicide is funny, then something is wrong with YOU, not the writer. It’s an amusing comic even if you don’t know the game it’s referencing (I didn’t). It reminds me of “Edge of Tomorrow” where it got a little ridiculous/hilarious how often

Always enjoy reading these columns even though I know the “Doc” and I have very different views of sex and relationships. Have to say though, his advice to Frustrated and Conflicted is some of the worst I’ve ever seen. Sounds like F&C is in a great relationship and needs to work on some issues that are internal. Well,

It’s been too long since I played Witcher 3 to remember the specifics but I remember by the end I was running a deck that was heavy on spies and decoys and it was painfully easy to win nearly every match. The card draw on the spies just gave me so many more options than my opponent and the decoys allowed me to either

Finally some decent games. I’ve been meaning to get Journey for ages.

That Lords of the Fallen trailer is pretty bad though. Giant monster effortlessly slays dudes in armor but then acts afraid of shirtless dude with axe. Doesn’t bother to defend itself and dies from one axe blow that looks like it would at best be a

Maybe an unpopular opinion but it just seems that Western animation has just gotten ugly. This is part of why I prefer anime.

This sounds fine, I don’t understand why some folks seem to believe that the only way to go is open world. Open world certainly can be fun but it really screws with story and pacing. Witcher 3 is one of the best open-world RPGs out there but even it has some linearity to it and I think you could argue the 2nd half

Got to try Earnest out last night and he’s a fun little guy. His voice cracks me up, it’s all Mr. T but he’s pink. He can blanket an area in grenades, it’s pretty wild. My brothers and I have been playing nearly every day since launch, don’t see that changing any time soon.

Eh, Doc is being too hard on Mixed Doubles, that lady is sending mixed signals. Granted, Doc’s advice is still sound, either be her friend or get out; I just can’t blame the dude for feeling confused. One of the big indicators to me that my (now) wife was interested in me back in our college days was long