
Huh, surprising U of Chicago takes that stance given the politics of Chicago in general. Well, glad to see they do and I hope more schools follow suit.

If you read the forums or the subreddit, Ben isn’t alone in feeling this way. There’s been a lot of negative feedback to the tech test. Everyone is different and I’m not surprised some folks liked it. However, I certainly agree with Ben, this isn’t like the original Titanfall and it is worse for the changes.

Personally I hated the tech test and I know from following the forums and the subreddit I’m not alone in that. I played the first Titanfall (got it on sale) and was just amazed at how much I liked it. As someone who gave up on Call of Duty years ago because I suck at the multiplayer in COD I didn’t expect to like

I still don’t understand why Blizz makes these things when they have no bearing on the game at all. I mean, they’re super cool and at this point they should probably just make an Overwatch animated film and it would probably be successful, it just, has precious little to do with the actual game.

I don’t know about everyone but I’m on the fence. The demo didn’t really get me very excited for the game, the combat was just too simple. I’m sure more elements will get added to it but the demo just didn’t do a good job of showing that off. The footage I saw of the fight with the Titan Arm or whatever also didn’t

Ouch, the feels.

What I’m saying is games (well, games alone) don’t sell the console. It’s still not a valid argument because everyone admits that WiiU has quality games. Despite having some of the best games out there, it’s still not selling. So no, Nintendo can’t sell the NX on the strength of its first party releases alone.


Again, I just do not understand where the claim that Wii had third party support is coming from, it did not. I don’t think any of the Call of Duty games came over. I know Mass Effect, Assassin’s Creed, and many other titles I’m missing never came over.

Hear hear, that’s what worries me most about the Neo and Scorpio. Even if that rule doesn’t go out the window, guess which version is going to get less polish and which version will be buggier? Yeah, the standard version, of course.

The WiiU has Nintendo games and it’s sold a ridiculously low number of consoles, it may be the worst selling console of all time. I don’t see how this argument is valid at all.

Wii didn’t show that at all, what are you talking about? I owned a Wii and I thought given the massive number of consoles sold, it should have no trouble getting third party support. Yet, I also follow the news and third parties were constantly complaining about how low their sales were on Wii. Plenty of people bought

So you’re totally fine with not playing Assassin’s Creed, Call of Duty, Battlefield, Destiny, The Division, Overwatch, I mean, I could go on all day with the number of titles that are NOT on WiiU. Now, if you’re saying, “I play all those on my PS4/X1, why would I play them on WiiU?”, then you’re missing the point.

That’s just marketing speak, they’re not going to go out there and bash the console. Given that most of those developers are not currently making games for WiiU, I don’t see why they should start for NX, especially if NX repeats all the same mistakes of Wii and WiiU before it.

Sorry I can’t watch the video right now so maybe my objections are addressed in it but I just don’t see how this is the case. One of the biggest issues with WiiU is that it is underpowered and that leads to 3rd parties not developing for it. I can’t imagine the gamepad is solely responsible for the lack of 3rd party

And just like that I suddenly want to buy this game.

Yeah, personally I’ve never been a big trophy hunter either.

Can’t quite understand this train of thought. On the one hand, being a “boobie streamer” is no big deal. On the other hand, it’s enough of a deal that raihnbowkidz isn’t doing it anymore (which was enough of a deal that it got a story all to itself, which the author links). Seems Is pretty contradictory to me.


Dunno why folks are being so snarky, PS Plus hasn’t a good quality game in ages. Granted, I wouldn’t pay for the service if I didn’t game online, but whatever your reasons, I think we all should be a little disappointed in the quality of PS Plus titles being released.

I guess it shows I have good taste since I own most of these? Although I have to say I haven’t played Destiny in ages and until they add matchmaking to everything, I don’t think I’m ever going back.

Honestly, I’ve long thought that a gaming console that had some kind of portable component that could be docked to a TV would be a great idea. My concern is the reports that the NX will be underpowered and that the cartridges will have too little memory for many modern games. To me, portability isn’t worth those