
What on Earth is “Rank G”? I’ve played several Dynasty Warrior games and other games that grade you and have never seen a Rank G. It was weird enough getting used to the idea that Rank S was better than Rank A.

Just curious how any Dem can look at their party and not be disgusted at how insanely corrupt it is? I mean, the DNC does all they can to rig the primary; DWS gets outed over it, and immediately gets a new job working for the person she helped to rig the primary for! I mean, come on.

Not that the GOP is any better,

What did people expect? I mean, the Dixie Chicks were a surprise all those years ago, but this, I mean, pretty obvious. Then again, it’s pretty obvious Trump is a con man and idiot and yet he’s the GOP nominee. So yeah, the GOP deserves everything it brings on itself, I’m out.

I think in fairness to other companies the DRM has been toned down to the point where it doesn’t really negatively impact general users, so that is a good thing. I’ve always felt that when it comes to these kind of things, you just have to accept some piracy is going to happen. Yeah, it’s not right, it is stealing,

Greatest. Manual. Ever.

Tebow won’t speak at the convention for the same reason I won’t vote for Trump, a little thing called principles. It’s embarrassing to see the GOP falling over themselves to push Trump through since it’s “the will of the people”. Well, the people are stupid. Just look at both nominees and you see the proof of that.

There are still Pokemon games coming out for 3DS, I can’t really see the issue here. If Nintendo were abandoning traditional Pokemon games for Pokemon Go, I would be more concerned.

People who are blind or legally blind (like my children) can’t really play video games at all, I don’t see what’s the point in griping

Chances are Playdead doesn’t have a clue either, they just like to seem mysterious and keep people guessing. :-P

There’s few things more politically correct than a LGBT parade. SMH.

I find it hilarious that one of the most touted features of Overwatch is now disabled in competitive mode. I mean, it makes sense, they had no choice and they are right to only allow one of each hero in competitive; I just still find it amusing. Here’s a feature that’s highly praised and that some people have said

Not endorsing his views but it’s really hypocritical for liberals to let all the violent talk (ex. “What do we want? Dead cops!”) by BLM and their supporters slide while criticizing Walsh for his speech.

I don’t care for OW’s loot box system and am really annoyed Kotaku and the rest of the gaming press gave Blizzard a pass on that. However, it’s really not the same thing as what’s going on with the CSGO Lotto because those skins had real-world value and people were selling them for actual dollars. You can’t sell

God is probably trying to tell people something . . . :-)

It seems like a no-brainer that Yogg and probably a few other cards (N’zoth anyone?) should be banned in competitive play. That said, the general amount of RNG in HS is a turn-off to me. The game seems to be doing pretty well without me so hey, that’s fine. Personally, I wish other digital TCGs were as popular as

Woopsie, thou hast insulted the SJW deities, prepare to feel the full force of their love and tolerance.

On a related note, this game sounds dumb. I hate games that make a big deal about how hard they are and try to make you feel like crap for being a regular person. I mean, some people like these kind of

Incorrect. For an example, see John 7:24

Wrong. To prove my point here’s John 7:24 (ESV)

It’s a good game but it’s not for everyone. I think the reviews were a little hyped up and gave short shrift to other similar games. It deserves high marks but it’s not nearly as amazing as some want to make it out.

Drowning, don’t know if you’ll ever see this but as a fellow Christian I can tell you that Dr. Nerdlove was never going to be the best person to ask, he doesn’t fundamentally agree with our views on sexuality. That said, he did get some things right.

Odds of your first g/f being your wife are low but that doesn’t mean

The real world setting is one of the reasons why I avoided jumping into the Division. It just seems so limiting for a loot-driven game like this. In a game like Destiny or Diablo III you can go more “all-out” and have fun with the loot as you can make it both look cool and have weird magic/sci-fi powers.