
I think the biggest thing I would have liked to see from Mass Effect’s morality system is varied reactions from the characters. I remember in the first ME there was a side mission where some unethical scientists got stranded when their experiments were released. If you went the full Paragon option (I’ll save you but

Hoo boy, folks like that are what I bought Battleborn instead of Overwatch. That way when I run into some God-tier player that is completely dominating like that I can be, “Well, that’s enough pvp for the night, I’m gonna go play a story mission”.

Really hoping Star Wars Battlefront 2 comes with a story mode for the

Personally I really like the graphics and it does help the game stand apart from its more cartoony brethren. I think comparing it Call of Duty is a bit unfair as Call of Duty is all twitch gameplay and Paragon is FAR from that, it takes forever to kill someone in Paragon, especially early game.

I think this is the biggest issue. How many of these kind of games can the market support? Not even MOBAs just all these endless multiplayer focused games. I played Paragon and like it but I also bought Battleborn (which is a very different beast) and I just don’t have the time to play both. So I’m focusing on

I’ve played it some and even bought the cheapest founder’s pack, it’s alright. I prefer it over Smite but I prefer Battleborn over Paragon. Paragon is definitely a lot more your traditional MOBA in having 3 lanes and how it operates. Time to kill is sky high, especially early game sometimes I’m just ping ping pinging

I agree, Overwatch seems to have a really interesting universe, but there’s no way to really get into it. As one of only 10 gamers on the planet who hasn’t bought Overwatch, I would be a lot more interested in buying it if it had a story mode.

So you’re a troll? :-D

Well, you are an Overwatch fan . . .

Yup, you are so much more awesome than I am. Super awesome, the awesomest. You go dude, go go go.

Okay, you’re right about everything, I’m wrong about everything, I bow to your all-encompassing knowledge and wisdom. Will you be quiet now? Thanks.

Ah Hawken, it was pretty fun but I didn’t like that it was multiplayer only. They finally put in a horde mode but I remember thinking it was too tough and I just kind of dropped off playing the game. I’m definitely curious to pick it up again and give it another go on PS4. No release date in that trailer I see, well,

Wow, they didn’t even try to hide the fact that they’re ripping off Overwatch. Didn’t even try.

I think I’ve made my point, I hear you and I disagree with you. The rest is up to time. I don’t think Battleborn is going to die, I don’t think it will ever be as popular as Overwatch either. I don’t have an issue with the microtransactions and predict they won’t hurt the game at all. I wish Fahey hadn’t written this

That does seem to be the case but again, I don’t really see the issue because either way I think the average person will end up spending money. I’d rather spend $20 bucks and get the few skins I want than $50 on loot boxes and get garbage I don’t care for.

Yeah . . . no, not my daughters. What kind of barbaric nation sends young women off to fight and die? Well, the same kind of barbaric nation that slaughters the unborn I suppose.

I love how liberals are the “party of science” and yet completely ignore the many obvious biological difference between men and women which

It’s one loot box per level and after level 20 it takes a pretty good chunk of time to level up. That one loot box is also most likely going to contain junk. It’s not a charity Blizzard is running, that free loot box is like giving some a free pull at a slot machine. “Oh, no luck this time? Well, just pony up some

Okay, whatever Blizzard fanboy.

BB has been out a month, it’s a bit early to decide it’s dead. If you’re talking about Fahey linking the Steam charts, that’s PC only, doesn’t say anything about consoles.

Also, no, it makes zero sense for a game to suddenly change direction a month after it’s been released. That would

Context/critical acclaim doesn’t matter in this case, especially as microtransactions were a plan from the start. Thanks for the discussion. Good-bye.

You’re basically making my point for me. You don’t mind the microtransactions in Overwatch. I don’t mind them in Battleborn. So it should either be a non-issue for both games or both games should be faulted for it.

You ain’t ever had a friend like me!

It seems they’re just adding a feature they’d been planning to add all along, no evidence they’re trying to “bolster a dead game”.

The fact that you didn’t know you could loot boxes in OW is exactly why I’m so salty about this. Kotaku and others completely let the microtransaction issue slide and barely (if at all)