
Personally I’ve not had much issues playing BB on PS4, especially as time goes on, people have got a better grasp of how the modes work. As for surrenders, I can only say that in my personal experience I’ve not had the major issues other people are reporting and have to wonder if people are overblowing it. I was

No, just no. No one gets to be salty about Battleborn adding microtransactions when Overwatch launched with them and is a critical darling. “Oh, but Overwatch lets you earn currency for free”. Yeah, at a snail’s pace. Why do you think OW only sells loot boxes and allows duplicate items to drop in the boxes? It’s a

No no no no no NO! People don’t want single-player stuff. All we want is always online “social” multiplayer only games. None of this “having an interesting story” or “creating a world we can immerse ourselves in” nonsense. Doesn’t CPDR know anything? /sarcasm

Haters gonna hate, don’t worry about them.

It wasn’t enough to have Kratos murder all the Greek gods, now he has to murder the Norse ones too? A new God of War game is a fine idea, but I wish they’d just made a Norse-themed one with a new hero and that isn’t connected to the previous God of War games at all.

Not to mention, Kratos looks ridiculous prancing

Well . . . okay then . . . I’m uh, well, I’m not sure what I am. I’m just going to move on now.

> They’re relying alot on tech heads in this scenario... but most of those tech heads are already on PC.

Exactly, this is what doesn’t make any sense. In cellphones you have a large group of people who want to be on the cutting edge and will buy every new phone. In gaming, we have those same people, but they’re called

In Tacoma you will float around a space station randomly clicking on everything until you discover that everyone left the space station because you’re something on the LBGT spectrum and everyone else on the space station was a bunch of homo/trans/whatever-phobes. Kotaku, will of course, give it a 10/10 and wish all

I’m not sure about that. Let’s look at PCs, most people don’t buy a PC every year or even two years. Now, you do have to regularly upgrade if you want to stay on the cutting edge of gaming but if I wanted to stay on the cutting edge of gaming, I’d already be a PC gamer, not a console gamer. I gave up being on the

Am I the only one who really doesn’t get the point of a mid-generation upgrade? This is why I’m NOT a PC gamer. If I wanted to be shelling out big bucks for upgrades every few years, I’d be a PC gamer. Comparing video game consoles to cellphones totally misses the point as well. For one, cell phones are a lot more

Graphics are cool but that fight didn’t look very interesting at all.

No app version? Come on CPDR, you need to make an app version!

Seriously, this is pretty cool. It needs some balance tweaks over what was in the game (spies for the win!), but the basic structure was good.

Isn’t that earring one of the earrings you need to do a fusion? Or is it just my imagination?

Jason’s gonna need some ointment for that burn.

Glad you liked it, I seriously have to think about checking this one out.

She pulls it out of the same hammerspace that Link keeps all his gear in.

Ah, I wish I had a PC that could run these kind of games.

The Prince of Persia reboot was a fine game and I will forever believe the only thing that ruined it is the last 15 minutes of the game. They were just absolutely terrible and ruined the story. Cut that from the game and I really think that version of the Prince could have carried on.

It IS a completely tacked on cash-grab.

Which is why I play Battleborn instead, no microtransactions, and a campaign. To each their own but I’m a little salty that the gaming press let the microtransactions issue slide on this one. Yeah, it’s all cosmetic fluff but given the huge grind to get what you want for free, how many people are spending money after

You are incorrect.