
Been rocking at Battleborn. Finally hit master with Teen Detectives Shayne & Aurox. Now I’m trying to learn how to play support. Which is tough because I always want to be in front leading the charge and yeah . . . not good when you’re a support.

Almost 30 here, I feel your pain. I gave up on CoD ages ago and would have bought Star Wars: Battlefront, but no campaign so I avoided it (and I’m happier for doing that).

Played Overwatch and I see where you’re coming from. Personally prefer Battleborn simply because I prefer the more MOBA style of play. Yeah, it’s

To each their own, sounds like excuses to me. For a brief time I was in sales and one thing I learned was that no matter how much people said they didn’t have the money, they always had the money. The question was were they willing to spend it? Did they think the product was worth it to them?

Similarly, if marriage

Heck, people are having kids without being married. Doesn’t make any sense to me.


Yay, more LGBT politics in video games. Exactly what the gaming public is asking for. /s

That’s cool, to each their own. There are some tweaks I’d make to Incursion mode in Battleborn but overall I’ve been having a great time. Matter of personal tastes.

I don’t really object to the system I’m just annoyed that the gaming press, which harassed Dead Space 3 for having microtransactions, totally gives Overwatch a pass and heck, I bet you tons of people don’t even know Overwatch has microtransactions as very little has been said about it. I don’t really mind their system

The grind to get all the stuff for free is really high. Blizz is obviously hoping people pay money, which hey, they’re a business not a charity. That’s fine. I think reviewers are giving them too much of a pass on that though. They’ve got microtransactions in a full-price retail title and everyone is just letting that

Nothing in the full game that wasn’t in the beta, for better or worse. Personally I’m with you, it would just get old quickly to me.

I feel the same way as someone who has been playing a lot of Battleborn. Patricia and many other reviewers gush about the characters yet I find the characters in Battleborn just as endearing/hilarious. I love how Shayne & Aurox gripe at each other or ISIC is such a megalomaniac. Plus, you get the campaign mode to

Man, PS Plus games have been disappointing lately. This is the first month where I won’t even bother to add them to my library.

Yeah, don’t know about anyone else but personally I found the anime to be pretty terrible. I’m pretty lenient when it comes to my movies and TV but Terraformars was just bizarre, hard to follow, and usually boring. I couldn’t finish season 1 (got to ep. 8 or 9) and have no interest in starting season 2.

Double XP pretty much captures my feelings on Overwatch.

Personally, I was much more friendly to left-wing ideas until I was repulsed by them. Never really thought too much about politics until in college, I ran into a lone conservative teacher (not even a professor, he was a high school teacher who part-timed at the college for an education practicum). He gave us some

What? No one wants stupid stories in their video games. We just want to mindlessly bash on each other in repetitive game modes over and over again. Story in video games, who cares about that? /s

Just going to have to agree to disagree then because if the screenshot featured any of the characters or NPCs, it’s pretty much immediately recognizable. Maybe if it was just a first person view of Oscar Mike’s gun and a bland environment. But hey, opinions are opinions.

I find that to be generally true of concept art though. The concept art for Destiny looks cooler than the stuff we actually got. Don’t know if that’s just a matter of the styles used or if it’s just some kind of psychological trick our heads are playing on us.

Really interesting to see the different iterations some of

Haven’t played Uncharted 4 yet so I can’t comment on the game but none of the buzz I’ve been hearing indicates they shoehorned in SJW themes. As for a daughter rather than a son, honestly doesn’t seem like it makes a big difference. Especially given how wonderful Last of Us was and that was Joel + Sarah and then Joel

That’s the free market for you. I still have no regrets for my pre-order of the digital deluxe, been playing this game non-stop since launch and enjoying every second of it.