
Something must be wrong with your eyes then as (like it or hate it) Battleborn has a very distinctive style.

I fully expect Overwatch will sell more copies, I just don’t understand why people feel the need to rag on Battleborn or act like it’s going to die when the game has only been out two weeks. It may die, it may not, but at this point I don’t see how anyone can say for certain. Heck, Overwatch could turn out to be a

This really seems like liberals eating their own. Nothing in anything he’s written indicates he is against sexy cosplay in general. He is upset at models who know nothing about cosplay getting paid to come to cosplay events in whatever revealing outfit is scrounged up for them. That’s the kind of attitude only someone

^ This x1000, it is hilarious to see the left eat their own.

I’ve read what he posted and nothing in it says he is against sexy cosplayers in general. He is against models who know nothing about cosplay and don’t care about cosplay being paid to dress up in superhero outfits and look pretty. It really seems people are just not reading very well what he is saying. He’s obviously

It has more content than Overwatch. More characters and a campaign mode. Not to mention the helix and gear systems. Seems about as polished as Overwatch from my time playing both. It was also announced before Overwatch so it can’t even be accused of being an Overwatch clone.

Ah yes, because the sales of your local Target clearly tell us all we need to know.

Hey, everyone, if you ever want to know if a game is worth getting, just ask mystic headlock if his Target has it in stock!

Shayne & Aurox are the best, and I see you have a screenshot of the best taunt in the game up there!

Personally, I really don’t mind the maps because, as you said, it’s standard for MOBAs and Battleborn is really more of a MOBA first than a first-person shooter first. That’s my opinion.

It is a shame it has been buried

The internet hate mobs work both ways. The entire thing is disgusting and out of hand.

FWIW, apparently the reviewer did assign the score but for some reason WaPo doesn’t post scores on their reviews, even though they do report them to Metacritic. It’s bizarre all around.

Right, but there’s a difference between “just my opinion” and a “review”, especially as reviews will influence other people. As a review I’m judging the quality of whatever I’m reviewing, so as much as I may not like, Gone with the Wind or Madden 2016, I can’t just dismiss whatever qualities they have, especially if

Every time I see one of these, just wish the game had a story mode.

A 7.5 works though because clearly you’re recognizing the game has merit. It’s not your cup of tea and there are things about it you would change if you were in charge, but at the end of the day you recognize the game has merits even if you don’t care for it and you recognize other people won’t have the same hang-ups

“Unless those people work for Naughty Dog, why would they have any reason to be upset?”

Oh come now, a website dedicated to gaming and a journalist dedicated to covering them, surely you can understand why people feel passionate about games? I’m not saying these folks are right to behave this way, they’re not. I can

Ugh, Battleborn was announced first and is in my opinion the better game, so yeah. I mean, I get that some people will prefer Overwatch, it’s cool, depends on what you like in a shooter.

Oy, people like that are why I refuse to play pvp only games. I like pvp, but only in bursts, then I need some nice pve to clear the air. I notice how he bunny hops all over the place, I hate that nonsense, I wish shooters would just get rid of it.

Glad Luke is a cool guy but Kotaku/Gawker as a whole, isn’t. I honestly hate to bring it up because really, I just think it is cool armor and this lady did an absolutely amazing job. However, the hypocrisy just gets me and I think they need to be called out on it. Maybe, just maybe, they’ll realize how foolish they’re

No no no no, all these sexist designs are a terrible affront against women and you’re supposed to be affronted by them! That’s why women willingly dress up as these characters, to show how outraged they are by these sexist designs! /sarcasm

That’s kind of the point. I am the only one bringing it up.

If some Jezebel writers were complaining about how misogynistic this armor was there would suddenly be a huge to-do about it. Since no one is, everyone just goes on about their business as usual. Pointing out the hypocrisy of the whole thing.

There’s very

Wait, so are we allowed to just marvel at how awesome this is or are we going to on a SJW bender and complain about boob armor? I just can’t remember when to turn on my “2 Minutes Hate”* mode, help me internet!