
Hahahaha! That’s what you want. But nice try. Thanks for the laugh.

Reality is reality, doesn’t matter how much plastic surgery you have, you can’t change who you really are. This shouldn’t be a difficult concept to comprehend. Take care.

I’ve always hated Apocalypse as a villain because he is so ridiculously OP. Why does he need horsemen at all? His powers seem to be anything and everything under the sun. I remember watching the old X-men cartoon in the ‘90s and hating Apocalypse. He was never actually defeated, he would just leave because his plans

Is that an ad for HB2? Because that is what it seems like.

I fail to see what is ridiculous about men in men’s bathrooms and women in women’s bathrooms. The people who cannot tell men and women apart seem the only ridiculous ones to me. My 4 year old can tell men and women apart.

My brother and I ran it and managed to beat it but it’s crazy tough. I think he was Toby and I was ISIC. What helped us is to make sure to build all the turrets and traps in that final section (I always take a shards per second gear into story missions) and he controlled the top portion of the map while I got the

ISIC is pretty great at story missions because he pumps out a lot of damage so long as you keep firing his charge shot as soon as it is up. Also, if you take the Helix where he reflects fire you become incredibly tanky against the ranged baddies trying to hit you. Give him a health regen item and that is a huge help

As others have said, depends on what you like. Battleborn is a first-person MOBA and has a campaign. Overwatch is pretty much Team Fortress 3. Personally, I prefer Battleborn because I prefer MOBA style pvp and I like having a campaign for taking breaks from the pvp.

Hearthstone is . . . sometimes it’s fun but sometimes it is just infuriating. I’m far from the world’s best player so I know my own skills could improve, however the game just has a lot of very cheap and annoying tactics/combos in it.

I LOVE the tank with legs and treads, that is just fantastic.

Oh come now, I think we can safely say it will not be a realistic version of WWI. That would involve spending most of your time sitting in a trench cold and wet spending months fighting over 50 feet of bombed out ground. I kid, I kid, I know what you meant.

It is dominating all the games media to a degree which is annoying. I’m not really into conspiracy theories so I won’t fling wild accusations but there are other interesting games coming out.

I’m not aware of any plans for a story/campaign mode, which is a shame. I guess I’m a dinosaur in the gaming industry but I’d buy Overwatch if it had a story mode. Since it doesn’t I’m sticking to Battleborn for now and will get Overwatch on sale someday.

I’m not very good at FPS games or Overwatch and I got 15 kills. It’s definitely a bit more “casual” friendly than something like Call of Duty. Personally, I still prefer Battleborn as it is more MOBA and time-to-kill is higher, plus Battleborn has a campaign. To each their own though.

Oh it’s not that bad. It’s going back in time and it’s set in World War 1. I mean, it’s not the greatest title but I understand at some point the numbers start to get a bit high and you want to go another direction. Kind of like how the Land Before Time movies dropped the numbers once they hit like 30.

PvP only games don’t tend to hold my interest either. I’m going to try Overwatch just to see what all the fuss is about but I’ve bought Battleborn and am liking it. The fact that it has a campaign mode is a big plus for me.

There is no perfect system out there. Every system is going to have its pros and cons. I mean, take Kotaku’s new scoreless reviews. Yeah, there’s some upsides to that, but there’s some downsides to.

Hmm, I had been really interested in this one, I’ll have to take a more careful look at it now. It sounds pretty par for the course based off my experience with Star Ocean 4 though. That game had a lot of great elements but then some really annoying ones. Like the bonus board that cleared out every time you turned off

I’ve been saying Battleborn is a great game all along. Haha, but seriously, you do have to like how they can make changes on the fly like that. They did it during the beta as well.

The games are very different from each other, that is true. However, since they’re both loosely “hero shooters” and have cartoony art styles, they’re being compared a lot. Anyone who has looked deeper into them and/or played them knows they’re pretty far apart. At this point, that number of people isn’t huge though.


> Who cares about story?

I do. As do others.

Anyway, I bear Overwatch no ill will. It is a game that is more suited to some people while others will prefer Battleborn and some gamers don’t like either game and will go play something else entirely.

I’m just of the opinion that Overwatch, based off those great trailers,