
> The entire thing was spun from whole cloth,


> now people selectively choose what to heed and what to ignore

The people who do this are usually not conservative Christians. Conservative Christians are the same people that oppose homosexuality, often because they’re trying to not

I’m trying to find out in what way she was “idiotic”. At least in what is quoted she’s very polite. They apparently had a talk before, who knows what was said in that talk but if there had been anything incriminating it’s safe to assume Gawker would have jumped on it.

The most potentially objectionable thing I can

They’re written down in black and white, how is that arbitrary? Nor is that the point of the article.

Wasn’t going to comment but seriously, atheists, liberals, homosexuals, just non-Christians in general, here’s a PSA for you. Stop, just stop quoting old Levitical laws that Christians don’t follow as if that was somehow a problem or you’re getting one-up on them. You’re just being ignorant. The Bible itself makes it

The battle system was really cool and interesting but I do agree that it often led to me having a group of characters that were the only ones actually doing anything while others lagged behind. That wasn’t the case with every mission, in some missions everyone played a part.

If you’re talking about the level I think

Great. Now I need to go buy a WiiU.

MonteCristo said exactly what I was thinking. Won’t this just make the snowball effect even worse in the game? I hope they plan on letting you surrender earlier along with these changes.

Not against lowering match times, just not sure this is the way to go about it.

Personally, I think “That’s a great cosplay” should have been pretty much where the sentence ended. I’m not against critiquing anything, even cosplay, however the critiques need to make some sense. Saying you can’t take that (or any) cosplay seriously because of a very minor special effect is just a bit ridiculous

I think it is natural for a game like Destiny to ebb and flow. You can’t play Destiny non-stop forever after all, especially when there are so many other games out there to play. I’ve started Tales of Zestiria and am liking it.

I’m in a bit of a different boat as I haven’t beat the Raid yet, not even normal mode, but

Yes, because clearly all the hard work that went into the costume and make-up is completely invalidated because they put in a lens flare type effect. Got it.

Sometimes I wish I had the skills and/or inclination to do awesome cosplay like this. But then I read comments like this and I’m glad I don’t. I would be pretty upset that people would be dismissing all my hard work because of minor issues. Please, you assemble such an amazing costume and do the make-up work, go ahead.

So . . . you’re saying this is the first Call of Duty game in a long time that I should think about buying? I mean, at this point, the number of shooters with a decent single-player experience is dreadfully low (and I lack an X1 so Halo 5 is out). As the lovely Destiny community keeps telling me, Destiny is an MMO so

TIL to always have the controller plugged in if you’re playing something uber-competitive.

Cool designs although not personally my style.

I liked Spirits Within too though! I mean, wasn’t the greatest movie in the world but it wasn’t terrible. Advent Children was loads better though, like, gallons upon gallons of awesome better. Why does Cloud need 7 swords that combine to make 1 big sword? I don’t know and

Boy these folks got a very different definition of fun than I do. Hey, that’s life though. We’re all different. If they enjoy it then more power to them.

No cop would ever do this to my kid because my kid would never be this stupid. She would have put her phone away when asked.

Not. Beyond. Comprehension. At. All.

Yes, because clearly he is intending to draw actually functional vehicles here . . .

Looks cool, all I need. 9/10

Glad I’m an Iron Man fan, not a Cap fan. This comic book sounds pretty disappointing and antithetical to the spirit of Captain America. He’s opposed the US gov’t from time to time but only when they were in the wrong.

Eh, to each their own. I think the art is pretty fantastic. Although I will grant that Mass Effect definitely has a much more distinct look.

In fairness to Halo I think Destiny suffers somewhat from the same issue. It all looks great but it is all a bit generic as well.

Time travel usually makes for a fun story but I don’t think I’ve run into a time travel story yet that just doesn’t make sense if you think too much about it. *cough Looper cough* So it’s usually best to just run with it.

Although, in the case of choosing to sacrifice Chloe I believe the argument would be that by not