
Hypocrites are usually blind to their own hypocrisy.

^ This

Let’s all be sensitive to the fact that making games is tough work. That doesn’t mean we shouldn’t hold them to a high standard though.

If Destiny 2 doesn’t have LFG tools I doubt I’ll buy. As it stands I’m already starting to lose interest in TTK because all that’s left for me to do is endgame stuff (Raid, Chaperone Shield Brothers strike, Exotic Sword Alak-hul strike, etc) and I don’t have an extensive friends list and don’t want to go through the

You don’t get it, did I mention Raid matchmaking? I said the game lacks any kind of social and/or LFG tools. If you want to form a fireteam and don’t have a bunch of friends then you need to use third-party tools. In my opinion that is ridiculous. Yes, development is a process of give and take but, just speaking for

> In my 10+ years making games I have never once launched a game with every single feature that I wanted. Game development is a constant process of give and take.

That’s fine and perfectly understandable. I’m simply of the opinion that an LFG or some kind of “social” system should have been in the “Top 10” list of

You win the Internets!

As a video game consumer I’m going to take exception to the “lazy” one. So, for example, when I say that it is very lazy of Bungie to ship Destiny, a “social” game without any kind of social or lfg tools, I don’t mean that I think the devs there are lazy. Obviously they work hard. What I mean is more along the lines

Hmm, any word on how successful or not Angry Birds 2 was and if that may be impacting this decision? I don’t know about anyone else but the microtransactions really ruined Angry Birds 2 for me. I uninstalled it same day I installed it.

You don’t reset or anything, the only issue is that you can only change once per week. If you’re not FWC, I don’t really see the issue. Be FWC for a week, go back to your preferred faction next week.

Spider tanks everywhere quivered in fear.

Significant others or not I think tying things to daily missions, especially when the daily missions are random, is a pretty poor way to go. I can work with set days like Tuesday reset, Wednesday Armday, Xur Fridays, trying to work around “Oh, this mission randomly showed up today!” is dumb IMO. I don’t care who you

> Anybody who peddles hate and intolerance is a bullshit Christian.

Anyone who encourages people to live a life of sin is not a very good Christian. A Christian will not support a sinful lifestyle. It’s the whole “love the sinner, hate the sin” concept.

In short, refusing to support a sinful lifestyle does not equal

It’s not stealing, it sure sounds pretty stupid to me though. I mean, if you want to blow your money on this, be my guest.

> I’d be happy if Kim Davis actually read that Bible she waves around and paid attention to what Jesus was talking about.

Clearly she does or else she wouldn’t have taken the stand she did.

> And how about this? You won the birth lottery.

So what?

> Try to pay some of that good fortune forward.

I do. How is this an

Yeah, personally I think if you want to tell a good story, you pretty much have to go linear. I mean, you can go with a branching story a la Mass Effect, but even that is largely linear because you have to do A before B, etc. Actually, for as much as so many people say ME2 is the best, I really disliked much of the

Everyone’s going to have a different opinion. Personally, I think it is worth a shot, especially as it should be cheap now. The combat is pretty fun, the world is interesting, and the plot certainly takes some twists and turns. It’s not a perfect game by any means, combat could use some improvements and the memory

The part about the tools is pretty mind-blowing. I’m not a programmer so I can’t speak knowledgeably on the subject but it really seems like someone should do something to fix that nonsense. A sentiment I’m sure Bungie has figured out for themselves.

It is interesting to see how behind-the-scenes things affect what the

So what I’m gathering for this story is that a bunch of people at Bungie are completely taken in by industry buzz words and are completely out of touch with their players.

Seriously, “linear” is not always a bad thing. An open world story can be done, but it’s incredibly difficult and going open world nearly always

Gluing a horn to my head doesn’t make me a unicorn. Chopping off my man parts doesn’t make me a woman. If you can’t understand this, I don’t know what to say, you’ve become completely unglued from reality.

Nevermind the complete hypocrisy that liberals try to insist on one hand that there are no masculine or feminine

If we’re going to let people break laws because they don’t agree with them then that is a recipe for anarchy. Of course, you’re a total hypocrite anyway. When Kim Davis was denying same-sex couples marriage licenses suddenly liberals were ALL ABOUT the “rule of law”. When it’s a law they disagree with though, suddenly