
Well the whole point is you’re the intolerant one but sure, in a free and tolerant society, you do actually tolerate intolerant people. That’s what makes it free. If you insist everyone conform to one opinion, that’s not free, or tolerant. I think liberals are dead wrong on most everything and their policies are

If you’re an illegal immigrant you are by definition, not law-abiding. Neither are you an American.

Which of course is why arguing with liberals over immigration is so frustrating. No one has a problem with immigrants or immigration, we have a problem with people breaking the law.

You are also only proving my point.

Cap has generally transcended politics and that is for the better. Take a side and of course people who take the other side will be mad. What if Cap came out for traditional marriage and opposed same-sex marriage? I’d LOVE to see Kotaku’s reaction to that!

Seriously, I find Sam’s screed against intolerance to be a

Yeah, weekly is far left, daily is next to it. Then it is daily heroic story and the vanguard heroic strikes, nightfall on the far right. If memory serves. it’s all labeled when you hover the cursor over it anyway.

Maybe you have to be a certain level to unlock it? When you go to the select destination screen there is a row of icons in the bottom left corner, the weekly and daily playlists are there.

I feel you. I never even bothered with Trials. The thing that annoys me is the Lighthouse is a GREAT reward. It’s something only elite players can access, but it doesn’t break the game for those of us who just don’t want to bother. Which is why quests like Jolly Holliday annoy me so much. Now you’ve got a quest in

I will grant the loot could have used some work. Eventually I realized that the gear I was collecting the in the wild was pointless and just to stick with crafted witcher gear. Which of course made it annoying that I had a TON of crafting diagrams for gear I didn’t want.

Not a perfect game by any means but still, just

You can, it’s somewhere in the options. I’ve never done it myself but have heard other people who have.

Mmmm. We’ll just have to agree to disagree. I thought Witcher 3 was fantastic and honestly has ruined pretty much every other open world game for me. If you can’t populate your open world game with interesting side quests like Witcher 3, don’t bother anymore. Now that we’ve seen it can be done, I don’t want to settle

^ This x1000. I understand they want to encourage people to play Crucible but throwing it into the middle of a quest just isn’t the way to do it.

Now look, I’ll freely admit that being forced into Crucible by quests and other systems has helped me become a better Crucible player. No doubt about it. I don’t charge

Well, I can offer my experience such as it is. I’m a primarily PvE player but I’ve been jumping into Crucible fairly regularly to complete quests (damn you Jolly Holliday!) and get marks. Sometimes I’ll stay in the daily playlist for 2 or 3 matches if it will help me complete some crucible bounties (although that get

Great review Kirk, fun to read and thoughtful.

Personally I agree with you on just about everything. Disagree on some of the quests. I think Jolly Holliday and the Black Spindle are overly difficult and not fun, I guess we’ll see if Bungie makes any changes as I know I’m not alone there. Overall, a great game and I’ve

a single-player”

SOLD. Sold. I’m done. You can have my money.

Seriously, I don’t know who decided a) mech games aren’t cool and b) if we’re going to make a mech game it has to be multiplayer (Hawken, Mechwarrior Online, even Armored Core V to a degree). Single-player is awesome. Mech games are awesome. Combine them

That seems too wicked even for Bungie, I wouldn’t be surprised if we just need to get our gunsmith faction rep higher. What do you get for completing the Gunsmith’s quest anyway? I’m still working on dismantling enough rare fusion rifles.

I was going to say you made a mistake and that the first story should have been last but no, that last story was fantastic. Cheeseburgers are vegetarian. Of course they are, but of course they are.

Destiny, a social game all about saving the galaxy with your buddies that has absolutely no social tools to help you find buddies to save the galaxy with.

You can have that one on the house Jason Schreier.

To each their own, I’m less a fan. I play to have fun and being a second-class Guardian isn’t fun. Personally, I’m fine with pro-level players getting stuff but I wish it was like the Lighthouse, or emblems, shaders, sparrows, ships, etc. Stuff like that lets you show off your accomplishment but lets everyone have the

The Red Hood DLC was pretty bad. Although not because of Red Hood, he was actually fun to play as and I like that some of the enemies were adapted to him, such as the bulletproof guys. It was just entirely way too short. Not to mention it had basically no story. Is this pre-Arkham Knight, post-Arkham Knight, in an

I read on reddit that if the difference between the items is 5 or less, then you just infuse to the higher level. So, if you infuse a 305 gun with a 310 you should just go straight to 310. I haven’t done it myself but reddit is usually right and it just makes sense, there has to be some way to infuse to 310 right?

That excuse about the switch to pvp being part of the plan all along and to benefit single-player sounds like a total lie to me.

So sad to see so many games these days feel the need to shoehorn in a “social” element. How about, I take care of my social life, you make video games? Okay?

I don’t know when companies