
But . . . it’s Deus Ex. The first game was fantastic, I don’t see any indications this one won’t be as fantastic. My head agrees with you, pre-orders are bad, my heart isn’t so sure. It’s Deus Ex man!

When will they learn what?

That guys like boobs? Think they got that lesson.

The only people who complain about this are feminists. I mean, as a Christian I don’t really care for it because, morals and modesty, but I also have a lot of other more important things to worry about besides video game boobs.

Also, isn’t this

Think she was just going for cool cosplay outfit and neat photo, not necessarily trying to re-enact a scene from the show. Let’s all just chill out a bit here. You’re being incredibly nit-picky.

I know some people will be upset but I’m happy that Nightfalls will no longer kick you back to orbit. I understand the challenge it provided but it was also a serious pain because if you wiped your team might abandon you. It also encouraged cheesing (seriously, learned a new method of cheese just about every time I

I think it’s important to add that from what I’ve read the budget was way smaller, around 30 million where a lot of games these days have budgets in the 80-100 million range. CDPR is in a bit of an odd position as they are self-financed thanks to; however, this still seems to make a pretty compelling case that

I’m glad that it sounds like they’ve improved things. You used to have to buy a blueprint from the market, then farm a boss for more blueprints to build a warframe. Drove me batty and that wasn’t even explained in game, you had to go to the forums to figure out and learn what boss you had to farm. Then you had to wait

Okay, is the Skellige’s most wanted quest still glitched? I played on PS4 and the last fight would always glitch when I beat the villain (trying to be spoiler-free here). A very cool quest though, I would just love to see what happens after I beat that . . . bad guy.

Isn’t this article simply an example of Americans acting superior and trying to foist their morals off on other cultures?

Obviously, not saying I agree with this practice and if a company I was ever working at tried a stunt like this I’d be looking for a new job. I’m simply pointing out that there’s a bit of a

This sounds like a dumb idea. I get that they want to get away from the reliance on ghorn but just nerf the thing, why leave it in the dust when it is such an iconic weapon?

Destiny is a LOT less grindy than Warframe, especially since HoW dropped. Also, no microtransactions so IMO Destiny is actually cheaper. Because unless you want to dedicate your entire gaming life to playing Warframe, you’re going to have to have to pay to get ahead and the prices are nuts.

Warframe is a great game,

Sounds great, I’m a little tired of all the sturm und angst in comics these days.

“The bad guys are sorta bad, sorta not! But are the good guys really good?!” Well, on one side you have a guy trying to destroy the whole planet, on another you have a guy trying to save it. Who do you think is the good guy?

Honestly, I

Wow, how about we all just agree to say “Great job on the costume and props dude!” and leave it at that? If I were the cosplayer in question I’d be insulted that all people are focusing on is how much or how little photoshop was used. Who cares, why does it matter? Unless the entire get-up was CG, it’s still cosplay.

IMO a game needs to have some aspect of a challenge and some kind of fail state. That’s largely what separates it from a movie. A movie you just sit and watch. A game you have to accomplish something, whether it be solving puzzles, shooting bad guys, etc, and you can either succeed or fail at the task. A walking

I’m with you, I have a hard time relating to this. It sounds like it makes for some interesting stories and I wish DC all the best. I just don’t quite understand the hullaballoo. So what if Superman wanted to keep his identity a secret? Wouldn’t you if you were in his shoes?

This seems to be a part of a general trend

It’s tough, I almost got the worst ending myself. I read a guide and some of the choices are just . . . if I was designing the game not sure I would have gone that way.

Like, if you decide to go with Ciri to meet the Lodge. That is the “bad” choice but honestly I picked it to a) support her and b) I wanted to see what

If Bruce Wayne survived, then couldn’t the Joker have survived as well?

By that definition watching a TV show is a game.

I’m a language buff so to me it matters. I do think it’s helpful to have definitions of what is and isn’t a game. It helps you know what you’re getting into. For example, the author being up front that this is a “walking simulator” really delivers some useful information (for me it tells me that it’s probably not to

Halo made a pretty big impact. Obviously it borrowed a lot from previous games (unless you’re dealing with one of the first games ever, all games do this) but it introduced a lot of changes and innovations. If nothing else, limiting you to only two guns. If memory serves, every or nearly ever shooter before that just

Sorry, can’t watch the video about endless respawns right now but I will say that I can agree with that quoted blurb. These endless game worlds are a bit much for me. Maybe I’m too old-school but I’m used to being able to play a game, beat it, move on to the next. Games that don’t end until they basically fizzle out