
Bland looking but the concept is super cool. The artwork doesn’t help much in the “blandness” department. Glad to see them trying something new with the helmet though. It’s long past time for some new designs there.

That is a fair point. I can still see where Riot is coming from. I don’t think it’s patronizing, I think it is a reasonable prediction given the past behavior of the community. They could be wrong, but I don’t blame them for thinking that way. You have to do that kind of forward thinking in business and game

So true, ever watch someone who has no experience with FPS games try to manage moving and shooting at the same time using the two sticks? It is hilarious/sad. It comes so natural to anyone with gaming experience.

A stupid plan but yeah, I felt the same way.

I believe the justification is that Batman thought Todd was dead, so that is why he didn’t figure it out. Although even that is on some shaky ground because the sheer amount of knowledge the Knight had about Batman should have had him looking at someone he’d worked with and/or been associated with in the past. Given

Well, I can understand where Riot is coming from.

I agree. I didn’t want to believe Arkham Knight was Todd because there was the Red Hood DLC. Honestly, he’s pretty fun to play as and the guns are a nice addition. The length (lack of it) and the fact that you have absolutely no idea when in the timeline this is happening make it very lackluster though. I really don’t

Personally, House of Wolves is the most fun I’ve ever had with Destiny. However, given how close TTK is, I wouldn’t jump back into the game until you see some reviews for that. I’m trying to decide whether or not to keep playing. If I don’t buy TTK, what’s the point? On the other hand, is TTK worth buying? The hype is

I’m interested but all I really want to know is if we’re going to have better matchmaking options. My sincerest apologies to Bungie (not really) but my friends don’t play video games, it’d be nice to be able to enjoy the game without having to resort to 3rd party sites.

Sad to hear about the guns but I guess it is to

They should have played up her emotions following that first killing more. They simply transitioned from “Oh man, you killed someone” to “kill all these guys” way too quickly. It was a good game despite that but it was definitely a weak moment. I still think she’s a great character though.

I’ll have to try Rising Thunder. Speaking for myself, I avoid fighting games largely because of the complexity. If I wanted to I could take the time to master the moves, I’m just not that interested. Also not fun? Getting repeatedly creamed by people who have mastered the system. So a simpler, friendlier system, does

This sounds fun so I’m not bashing it. Just curious how this is a thing but a console Pokemon RPG is still an elusive dream?

Playing Destiny, doing nightfalls and Prison, leveling lots of new gear. Finally beat Crota hard mode and really want to beat Atheon hard mode and Skolas but I’m also scared to take on the 35 Prison. The 34 can be such a slog that I’m not sure the 35 is worth it. The bullet sponginess of the enemies just saps a lot of

Agreed, I don’t see a need for it. Now LFG tools in the game, that’s a no-brainer. They should have been there since launch and Bungie should be embarrassed they shipped the game without them.

When you all make your next list I would add “make boss fights more interesting/less bullet spongy” to the list. I understand why they nerfed Gjallarhorn but the bullet sponginess of the bosses (and the yellow health bar majors and ultras) is why ghorn is so popular. Seriously, there is no other good way to take out a

I don’t really get why they advertise Hawkmoon as a PS4 exclusive as if it’s some big deal if the gun is practically impossible to get. They should have made an exotic bounty for it, that would have been better than this whole random drop idea.

I really don’t get the lives at all. I understand they want to make money and that’s fine. However 5 lives isn’t anywhere near enough, it completely kills the game. I uninstalled it after an hour. The fun of the original was constantly retrying levels, that’s all gone now.

In fairness, I don’t really understand the

This is the first time I wish I had an X1 instead of a PS4. I loved Jet Force Gemini back in the day, would love to try it again or even see a sequel. Ah well, such is life.

Eh, I thought the Two-Face and Penguin missions were good. Race tracks were fun but yeah, obviously nonsensical. It’s a game though, I forgive it for that. Deathstroke was a bit ridiculous. He shows up far too late in the final act to be of much significance and the fight against him is a tank battle?? Say what?


“In fact, he just lets the Knight go in the end. Keep in mind this is a guy who led a military occupation of an American city (treason) and threatened a huge chunk of the country with a weapon of mass destruction (terrorism).”

On this point I have to say that sadly I don’t find it ridiculous at all. How many deaths is