
True enough. Personally I’m fine with the Gally changes (and yes, I use one) but Bungie still really needs to work on boss design. Having every boss be a bullet sponge with a ton of adds is boring. I like how another blogger put it, there is a difference between “difficult” and “challenging”. Bungie’s bosses are

Well, the trailer did its job. I’m interested. Looks pretty cool and I like the new Gundam design.

The thugs who say they’re glad they’re not in Keystone City (home of the Flash) because at least you can see Batman coming.

Also, there was definitely a Superman reference but I can’t remember exactly what it was now.

Oh, and the billboards and statues all changing to show Joker as the fear toxin takes hold of Bats.

The menus are not perfect but I really can’t see how they would detract from the game so much that a person would stop playing. I’m definitely looking forward to the 1.07 patch but I wouldn’t recommend anyone skip this game just because the menus are flawed, workable but flawed.

Hear hear. I mean, it would be fine to lock the 2nd secret ending behind a 100% requirement but locking Knightfall behind the Riddler trophies was a dumb move in my opinion. Or at the very least, they should have lowered the number of Riddler trophies if they wanted to go that route. Every other Most Wanted mission

Can’t edit so I wanted to add real quick that of course Evan got heat for writing this article. Not only is it misinformed (in its original form) but gamers are tired of gaming being attacked. We get enough flak for our hobby from lots of people, we don’t need it from the gaming press too. No one is saying gaming is

The grievance mongering really needs to stop. Trying to make everyone and anything into a victim is getting real old, real fast. What is especially grating is the “I don’t like this therefore something is wrong with gaming and gamers are misogynist and everyone just needs to do what I say” undertones.

The story of

You have to try though. You have to try.

Actually, it is heartening to see more people speaking out against this nonsense. A few years back I don’t think that was really the case. Granted, there are idiots on both sides of the fence, but it’s still nice to see a push back. Given time, I think we’ll win out. SJWs just

Sorry, can’t hear you over how much of a racist you are. I’m too open-minded and tolerant to listen to a racist.

You should read Dr. Carson, he makes the perfectly reasonable point that people in the hospital were only used to seeing Blacks as orderlies. They were making a reasonable assumption given the circumstances. This is exactly the issue in Ferguson, people began crying racism before they stopped to think if Officer

Liberal logic = the kind of logic that says a man can claim he’s a woman in face of all common sense. It is the kind of logic that says blacks and minorities can’t be racist. It is the logic that triumphs feelings of outrage over reason. It is the logic that can’t figure out what to do when a white woman claims to be

Well based on what you’ve said about Hispanics I’ve decided you’re a racist. You could say you have Hispanic friends but that wouldn’t make you any less a racist. Clearly, you have some prejudices against us and look down us and you have the gall to accuse us of being able to “pass” as white, I think a lot Hispanics

That doesn’t make a lick of sense. Racism is a form of bigotry. In other words, not all bigots are racists but all racists are bigots. Carry on.

So it’s okay for you to make racist generalizations about Hispanics???

Except I literally pointed out to you that I fully acknowledge the peaceful protests. They simply weren’t relevant to the point I was making. Again, you’re jumping to conclusions. -_-

Also, I love the liberal logic that says you’re a racist no matter what because we say so. Doesn’t matter how you treat Black people or

Can you name any examples? Wilson didn’t “get away” with anything, he was not guilty of murder. Heck, it didn’t even go to trial that’s how flimsy the case against him was. If you know anything about the legal system you know that grand juries are a prosecutor’s best friend, for a case to not even make it past the

I can’t be racist, I’m Hispanic. So I’m an oppressed minority and thus incapable of racism according to liberal logic.

Luke should have mention the devs write things like this:

What people objected to was the vilification of police and the freaking RIOTING, LOOTING, and DESTRUCTION that came from the protests surrounding Brown and Garner. No one had any issue with people grieving. Not to mention, especially with Brown, people were concerned with a little thing called the TRUTH. Brown wasn’t


Rocksteady does realize most people will just go to youtube to see the endings, right? I have loved all the Arkham games but as good as they are collecting every last little thing is a bit much. They should have just left it at completing the most wanted quests. Still looking forward to this game and I somehow