
Eh, Talgrath is pretty on the money. Critics and their audiences are not always on the same page. His point about movie critics is especially true. They are just viewing films in a completely different way than the average moviegoer. I won’t get into a debate about whether that’s good or bad, it’s simply the way it is.

Personally I’m offended. I don’t see why we glorify yet another game full of violence. Especially when that violence is perpetrated by yet another cisgender white male. This is a game all about trivializing women, you literally are saving a damsel in distress and at one point you can peek on a woman in the bathtub,

I could be 100% wrong but I don’t see VR ever becoming more than a niche market. I mean, 3D TVs failed at least in part because you had to wear goofy glasses on your face to watch the thing. People are going to be okay with strapping on goggles and a headset that completely cut you off from the outside world? Not to

Update: So a bunch of people seem to misunderstand me as saying I don’t like turn-based battles. Which is not what I said at all. In truth, I love them. Fire Emblem is one of my favorite series and it’s the turn-based battle system which makes it work. It allows you to be far more tactical than in pretty much any RTS

Yeah, I don’t know why people are getting the impression I’m against turn-based battle systems. I’m not. It’s just that even those have improved. Transistor is a great example of a serious improvement to the old-school turn based system. Child of Light is another. I’m just saying that given how modern games have

Yeah, I didn’t mean it couldn’t be turn-based. I’m just saying that even turn-based battle systems have improved since FF7. I mean, even something like Child of Light had a refreshing and far more interesting take on turn based battles than old school RPGs.

Sorry but nostalgia distorts our view. As someone who has played a lot of old games through and played the FF7 version on my PC not too long ago. It hasn’t aged well. If they released a full-price game with that battle system, it would be problematic. Compared to so many of the interesting battle systems out

Eh, this might be a minority opinion but Star Ocean 4 was only so-so for me. Cutscenes were a tad too long and as I recall, unable to be paused. That wasn’t even the biggest issue though, the game just wasn’t respectful of my time. It took forever and a day and had a bit too much filler. The difficulty spiked out of

The world still needs Vanquish 2, but this will do in the meantime. This will most definitely do.

If Bruce Jenner can be a woman, why can’t she be Black?

I don’t see how anyone could regret buying Infinite. It was a great game. I’m going to differ with Stephen though, didn’t care for the DLC, especially part 2. The gameplay was fine but the story it told was unnecessary.

I know almost nothing about video game development so this is probably a dumb question. With Bioshock Infinite, why were doing development on high-end PCs initially? PCs are obviously more capable than consoles, so it just seems like starting development on PCs is going to inevitably mean you’ll have to cut features,

I never cared for permadeath in the Fire Emblem games. It just meant I never let anyone die and would restart anytime someone did die. I understand the concept but don’t feel it worked in that series, not for me at least. I liked it in Enemy Unknown because the story could move on and you could replace the lost

Eh, to each their own. I still firmly believe that exotic bounties should never force you into pvp. I’d be fine if each step had a pvp or pve option. If they’re going to force you into pvp, making it so that you can lose points is an especially annoying move in my opinion. The fact that the Thorn bounty needs void

Makes me happy I got a PS4 and Witcher 3. That game has seriously raised the bar for other RPGs/open world games, especially in the side quest department.

Yeah, fair deal. I guess an issue is the game really didn’t go there, didn’t touch on those issues. So I didn’t think too much on them. It was a good game, but could have been better so once I beat it I didn’t really look back. Ultimately, Nilin still did the right thing but yeah, not in the right way. I was very

Yeah, nothing in this article seems insurmountable. The question is will Valve do anything?

Honestly though, if your game takes less than two hours to experience . . . that could be an issue. I’ll be the first to decry the length of some modern video games. Not every RPG needs to be 100 hours plus, but at the same

Hm, well that’s interesting. I don’t recall disliking the ending of Remember Me that badly. Releasing everyone’s bad memories seems like the right course of action. That was my take at least.

Last of Us, yeah, that one was a lot more problematic. I could understand Joel’s position but in his shoes, I’m not sure I’d

So much of Bungie’s design of Destiny seems to assume all its players are college age kids who just have a ton of friends they can group with and unlimited amounts of time to play. The reality is that Destiny has a DAD’S clan of all things, how many games have a dad clan? Hey, as a dad I’m grateful it’s there but the

I find it interesting from reading articles around the internet how many people let the werewolf kill the sister. Personally I had Geralt save her because even though she was a total wack job his job is to protect humans from monsters and she was human, and he was a monster.

Pretty cool how Geralt is his own character