
Exactly what I was thinking! Great minds think alike!

My favorite part is how he was waiting for her at the bottom of the elevator. I was just thinking, Batman needs to just mysteriously show up there and voila, Rocksteady obliges. I love how there’s no explanation given for how he broke out and beat her down there because, why not, he’s Batman, he’s just that awesome.

Yeah, that’s a bunch of baloney. I have two kids myself and my wife and I would never dream of changing them on the dining room table. Restaurants have bathrooms, use them. There’s no excuse for that kind of behavior.

The cracks in the rocks don’t look as good, what is the world coming to . . . clearly this is a cause for great anger and hatred while we sit in our air conditioned homes with plenty to eat and generally live like kings. Sorry, I can’t work up a shred of outrage, it’s A GAME. A good one at that.

I mean, yes, it

I’m sorry but it’s nothing to be angry about. Disappointed, sure. But if you’re seething with anger over this you’re just foolish. Games change in development, that’s life. ANYTHING changes in development. Movies, books, TV shows, anything.

Honestly, the game is great looking and fun, that really should be enough. I

Personally, I find it annoying that you can’t buy Runes with RP. Although, I’m not a hardcore League player so I find it hard to put in the time to get enough IP to get T3 runes. I’m probably in a minority there.

Beyond that, I can see your point. I mean, with over 100 characters, even if you could unlock them all,

I do like how they did put some limits on Quicksilver’s speed. When you think about, speedsters are pretty much invincible and while Quicksilver’s scene in Days of Future Past was hilarious and well-done, it also just makes you think, “Who on Earth could stop this kid? He’s more powerful than Magneto!”. MCU

Eh, personally I have a much higher opinion of the movie. I really don’t understand all the complaints about Thor’s dream and dip in the pool. It’s not uber-complicated. He saw a vision that disturbed him (I think we ALL know by now that he loves Asgard, so anything implying its destruction, especially with him as the

Hear hear, I booted up Homeworld Remastered a while ago and it was great that the game wasn’t constantly bugging me to be “social” or go play the multiplayer. It just let the single-player be a thing, and the multiplayer be a thing, play whatever you want. So many games these days aren’t content with that and instead

Oh Kotaku, contrary to your condescending and arrogant attitude that all gamers are misogynists, I can’t imagine most people would care that much. If the game is good, that’s what would matter most. So, by all means, make Alyx the player character if that’s where you want to take the story, but don’t do it just to

Oh, I hope the combat in Witcher 3 is better. Biggest downside to Witcher 2. I felt a lot less like super-cool monster hunter and more like the amazing rolling man.

Eh, plenty of things are apolitical, sorry. I mean, if you’re the kind of person who views everything through a political lens I’m sure you can inject politics into anything, but that doesn’t mean it always belongs there.

Regardless, WW gets a hefty extra dose of scrutiny/criticism so my point is simply that maybe if

Single player all the way. I don’t really begrudge people using social features in games, if that’s your thing go for it. However, so many games seem to be trying to force you into the “social” aspects or even making single-player an impossibility these days that it is getting quite frustrating. I have actual friends

GOG is a great service. My only problem with it is that I often find the older games are better in my memories then they actually are once you sit down to play them. It’s amazing how far we’ve come not just in the graphics department, but also in UI and controls. I sat down to play Crusader: No Remorse the other day

Ever think the “problem” with Wonder Woman is people completely over-analyze her and relentlessly critique every single about or surrounding her? Also, human nature being what it is, it is literally impossible to please everyone so matter what you do, someone, somewhere is going to write up an article/blog post/tweet

Why is everything pvp these days? I’d be interested if it had a single player campaign. Those used to come standard.

I’m glad you went through and tried it without all the money. The fact that you could burn through several thousand dollars worth of crystals and still not have everything I think just shows everything that is wrong with the F2P genre. Frankly, I would hope anyone reviewing an app game would disclose if they got free

Age of Ultron was a great film and it was fun to see them saving people while taking on the villains. It fits them perfectly.

Still, I’m really starting to rebel against all this “superheroes cause destruction” stuff. I mean, let’s compare them to firefighters. Firefighters show up to a fire, spray high pressure water

Yeah . . . poster is pretty much spot-on. Sorry.

Also, the (implied) notion that no one ever regrets sex is so foolish that it’s almost hilarious.

And yes, if you have sex before you’re married, that’s the wrong thing to do. Sorry.

Sorry, but that equal pay stat has been debunked a ton of times. Once you take into account overtime, years of experience, time taken off, etc etc etc, the wage gap disappears or becomes minimal.

That closing about the belt, I don’t get it. Why is it bad if the women’s one is more girly? Why is “masculine” always the