
I think that makes sense. Win or lose, you want to be having fun. That is the point of playing games. Personally, that is one of the things I liked about Titanfall. Giving you the chance to escape to the dropship when you lost was a nice way to keep some dignity. Personally, my only gripe was that it was too easy for

This is why I don’t envy game devs. Some of the things you dislike about DXHR, I love. The switch to 3rd person for stealth? I absolutely love that about the game. It made stealth a less onerous way to go and plus it let me see how Adam Jensen, who is a pretty cool looking guy. I hate when a game has such an awesome

If this is set after Majin Buu wouldn’t that officially make GT non-canon?

Eh, to each their own. I don’t solo Nightfall and it should be hard. However, I like how Paul Tassi on Forbes Games put it. There’s a difference between “challenging” and “difficult”. “Difficult” is giving you a pea shooter, giving the bad guy 5 bajillion hit points and saying “have at it”. “Challenging” is making a

I think it’s more why no one takes feminists seriously. Feminists of course are all over Gawker sites, which doesn’t help them. Still, for video game news Kotaku is alright, it’s only when they veer into politics that things go south. Plus, I love Behind Closed Ovens, favorite part of my Mondays. Beyond that, yeah,

Sorry but we cheese things because that is the best way to proceed. Those boss fights are poorly designed and on difficulties like Nightfall are practically impossible to beat without cheesing. The few times I’ve done Nightfall I’ve learned a new method of cheese from my teammates and without it, I don’t think we

I’m with you. I’ve reached a point where I play games to relax after a long day, so having a game that is super-difficult is just not for me. Obviously, there needs to be some challenge or I’ll just fall asleep, but the hardcore difficulty is no longer my thing. I think that’s fine, there’s more than enough games out

I mean, it depends on how you define “objectivity”. Yes, it is largely an uttainable goal in some sense since no one can be purely 100% “objective”, especially not when reporting on entertainment media (which is inherently subjective) like video games. Still, I think the notion of, be “fair” and try to avoid personal

Destiny has had a serious issue with letting you play the way you want. So far as I can see you have 3 big groups of Destiny players, PvE players, PvP players, and Raiders. Yet, currently Raid is really the only way to go, it’s the only way to get the best stuff. Then there is dumb things like exotic bounties, which

Destiny is in an odd situation that makes your point incorrect IMHO. For one, the first expansion released only 3 months or so after the game. This means many players had just the level cap and others (like myself) had still not reached it. So, to completely invalidate all that gear and tell us to do it all over again

I’m glad to see the gear changes. It respects the time a player puts into the old gear and also will just allow for more variation instead of everyone having essentially the same builds at the higher levels.

Is it bad that I prefer the “bad customer” stories? :-)

Still, always an entertaining read on Monday morning. I feel sorry for the dipped ice cream cone guy. I have to defend Steak and Shake though, the wife and I love to eat there. Although, beats me what they mean by “hand-dipped”, all I know is the shakes are good.

Honestly you’re fine and I’ve heard (not sure it’s true) that barely 20% of Destiny players have finished a Raid. If that’s true, clearly you’re not in the minority. I suspect that is why they’re not including a new Raid, people aren’t playing them and like you said, getting frustrated with Bungie trying to force them

Eh, this sounds good to me. Raids are inaccessible to most of the gamer base. Bungie putting so much focus on the Raid meant I had to give up on my character ever getting max level and that led to me quitting the game for the past 2 or 3 months. I’ve read on Forbes Games blog that something like barely 20% of the

Yeah, but so much of the fun of an RPG is doing everything, not just rushing through the main story. Still, Xenoblade overdoes it on the sidequests. I sadly never beat the game because I just got bogged down by the endless sidequests. I should have just said “screw that” and beat the game. Oh well. Not a bad game by


The notion that removing religion would fix the world’s ills is naive at best and foolish at worst. As human beings, we are constantly finding reasons to discriminate. Even if it something as silly as people making stereotypes based off what character/class you play in WoW.

Also, this notion completely ignores

Was the “he’s too sexy” thing serious or a joke? Because honestly his first outfit just looked dumb. He looks a lot better now and still plenty sexy. Trying to make this some kind of feminist thing just doesn’t make much sense to me.

Hate, you keep using that word but I don't think it means what you think it means. If simply disagreeing with someone is the equivalent of hating them, then we are all in a world of hurt.

Not right for people to leave this bakery threatening message, obviously.

Warframe is a great game except for the grind. Honestly, I’d say it as good as if not better than Destiny, except the grind really kills it. Getting a new Warframe for free is the most backwards and complicated process I’ve ever seen. Nothing in the game can reach its full potential without having an extra piece of