
My recollection of the article was the author seemed disappointed that body cameras were being used to exonerate police. I read his mentioning that the body cameras are being marketed that way as something he wasn't happy about. I mean, one of the sub-headings was "Will We Ever Get a Bodycam Conviction?" I could be

Hey now, not just "Gundam", that sir is the Gundam HeavyArms. Personally, my favorite of the Gundam Wing mechas.

There was an article on one of the Gawker sites recently decrying how police body cameras were largely useful for exonerating the police whenever an accusation of wrongdoing came up. I think that kind of thing shows that most police are decent folks, just like most people are. Will there be some bad apples?

I'm sorry but I've always found that 50% of gamers are women stat to be suspect. I'm pretty sure they included anyone who only plays smartphone games in that metric. There's a world of difference between a console/pc gamer and someone who mainly plays Angry Birds. Nothing wrong with Angry Birds, its' fun and I play

Bit of a side-topic but the supposed "confines" don't sound like "confines" at all. It sounds like the equivalent of saying "we're having a pepperoni pizza making contest", it has to have "pepperoni" (how you define that is up to you, it could be sausage, or anchovies!) and it has to be a pizza (how you define that is

In fairness, it hardly seems like a trend. How many other games besides the Souls games go this route? Maybe Ninja Gaiden, I can't think of much else.

Nothing wrong with that at all! Multiplayer isn't for everyone and I'm in the same boat as you. I'm not the greatest and honestly, I could become better, but it's entirely too much work. Memorizing build orders and the like seems more like a job and less like a game to me. I'm glad some people enjoy it, more power

Yeah, this is the only thing that worries me about the partnership. I played Transformers Legends and it was alright, but I literally threw money away on that game. I don't know if it has changed in the months since I last played but when I was playing it cost way too much money to try and get the 5 rarity cards, I

Overall it sounds like a good move. Mobile is big business and this way Nintendo can introduce their IP to a new audience. Partnering with a company that has experience in the area makes sense. The only concern I have is that I have not been impressed by DeNA. Although, in fairness I have only played one of their

Well, I don't care how many heroines you have, I always hate losing a party member in an RPG. You get to rely on them and it is frustrating to have to re-tool your strategies in their absence. I hated when Kratos left in Tales of Symphonia, although I understand there was some super-complicated secret way to get him

Aw, I understand why they won't release more details now, but I'd still to love to hear more details. Nintendo is in a tricky spot with the WiiU. It's a great console with great exclusives but the complete and utter lack of third-party support is just dragging it down. A new console could help with that but if it

Wonder Woman is okay. Superman? No, just no. It's terrible.

Yeah, I would just echo everyone else, Enslaved is a good game. Not going to reinvent the wheel but fun and has an interesting storyline. Plus, the relationship between Tripp and Monkey is fun to watch grow and develop.

I agree it was a good game, definitely worth anyone's time to check out. I don't think the issue with is was playing as a woman though, I mean, that's not an issue with Tomb Raider :-)

The memory re-mix sequences were a little underwhelming. Also, it just felt like a game that could have been enhanced by being a

You're saying what I am thinking. Won't a completely user-driven system just result in opening the floodgates to even more garbage?? Yeah, big-name devs/publishers like Valve, EA, Ubisoft, etc may sometimes miss "the next big thing" but that doesn't mean they're completely useless and don't have some experience in

I have a hard time believing it will go mainstream. I think it will find a decent sized audience, but I can't see it going mainstream. You have to put a funny looking thing on your head and then you're completely cut off from the world around you. For anyone with a family, I find it hard to believe it will be a

I hope he does stay out. Joker has been done to death by the Arkham games. The fact that they even threw him into the prequel really threw me for a loop. It's time to have some other villain. Honestly, the fact that they're trying so hard to make sure he's dead actually makes me worried they are planning to bring

That sounds pretty bland and boring to me :-)

Yeah . . . I find spanking to be a completely appropriate punishment. I save it for extreme acts of disobedience but there's a reason you can't reason with a 3 year old. They're three. They have a lot to learn, their little bodies and minds are still developing. I talk with my three year old, do the whole time out

^This times x 1000. Honestly, given that's its F2P, I'm willing to pay more then $60. You know there will be people out there that will play it 100% free. I don't know how they have the time or patience, but they exist. The thing is that if you want to pay your way through the game you'd have to spend HUNDREDS of