
Honestly, an interesting character. Very cool-looking. It's just a shame her backstory amounts to "feminists cried, we rolled over". Is this feminist approved? Because if so I always find it odd how feminists want to make women more like men . . . seriously, ditch the bosoms and the hair, and that's a dude. Not

If Warframe wasn't so grindy, it would be real competition for Destiny. Certainly it has a lot more variety in how you can play and build your characters. Ultimately, the grindiness sucks all the joy out of that game for me.

It makes no sense. Buying the best gear is either impossible (raid gear) or a major chore (the exotic you want may or may not be stocked by Xur). Of course players focus on the RNG when the shops don't have the best stuff. Now if you could buy Raid gear (or raid quality) from the stores and have greater access to

"The hardest missions for players end up being ones like the "Chamber of the Night" level—essentially, levels where players are locked in a room where they have to defeat waves, right before having to go up against a boss. These levels don't have save points between waves, and they exist as "skill checks" for players "

He just won't die . . . sheesh. Also, why did I not see a Super Saiyan Goku at all in that trailer?

Airmech was a little too hectic for my tastes. This looks like it will be a little simpler and easier to control. Although, it may end up being terrible, who knows? Honestly, interesting enough to at least check out the alpha.

Eh, personally I've had enough with Joker. He's been the villain of every Arkham game, he even was the main villain of freaking Origins, which yeah, was a surprise but also a bit of a disappointment. I had been hoping for something different and new. His presence should be felt in the game, how his absence affects

Honestly, Joker had better stay dead. Yeah, he's a compelling villain but he has been the villain of EVERY Arkham game, even *spoiler alert* Origins. It's time to move on and do something different. I'm curious to see who Arkham Knight is and seriously, isn't it more likely he'll be the big bad over Scarecrow?? He

To each their own but personally I prefer the current system where death is an inconvenience to one where death is painful. Now, permadeath did work in XCOM, I will wholeheartedly agree with that. Oddly enough, I don't care for it in Fire Emblem. Mainly because they are all named characters (they have roles in the

Seems like a kid being a narcissistic jerk. I don't believe for a second his prattle about how he's got bigger motives for doing this.

Yeah, I broke my "no pre-orders" rule for the Homeworld Remastered collection, so it had better not be a let-down. Brings back good memories, now if I could only get a copy of the original Homeworld manual, that thing was awesome.

There are a lot of good board games out there and they are fun in their own way. I keep telling my wife I need to find a group of friend who likes video games, or board games, either will do. Still, board games, bring a different flavor than video games to the table (pun intended). One of my favorites is Sentinels

A good perspective I hadn't really considered before. It still doesn't justify day one DLC, that is clearly content that could have been included in the base game and they're just trying to nickel and dime you. When it's done this way though, that makes sense. It allows gamers who love a game to come back to and

All I can say is I've never had problems with this issue and I've played quite a bit of strike playlists (had an AFKer once and he wasn't even under-level). Besides, if you notice someone going AFK it's easy enough to jump out and jump back into the playlist. Unless these people are going through the effort to play

Eh, there is no way to make everyone happy. I think this is a big change for the better. I'll finally actually be able to complete weekly heroic strikes. It makes me want to jump back in to playing the game. I've never understood why weekly heroics didn't have matchmaking from the get-go as, like the Bungie dev

Don't know if the movie will be good or not, but that is one cool looking Aquaman. Glad they ditched the orange and green color scheme, good choice.

This is why something like Metacritic is helpful. It helps you find a bunch of reviewers and find ones that you tend to agree with. Kirk, didn't like Bioshock Infinite. I thought it was one of the best games ever. That leads me to think Order 1886 probably isn't that bad.

At the very least, his downplaying of the

Eh, I'm not so sure I agree. I mean, yes, you have developer intentions. Obviously devs try to get people to play their game one way or another, you can see this in patches that will come out addressing various issues (e.g. Destiny nerfing some weapons while buffing others, they clearly don't want everyone just

That comic strikes me as quite ridiculous. The timer in Majora's Mask functions more as a neat mechanic to learn the world around you rather then as an anxiety generator. You can reset the timer at will (not to mention slow or speed up time). What on Earth could possibly be stressful about it?