
A thousand times yes to this. I hope some game devs see this but ultimately not sure how likely it is to change. As you say, people seem to equate longer with better. I used to as well but as I've gotten older it's just become a drain. Give me a shorter, good game, rather then a 100+ hour sprawl filled with

I will agree that it is a non-story. Beyond that you're completely missing the point though. I don't know if that is willful on your part or if you're really just so absorbed in the left-wing echo chamber that you can't contemplate any viewpoint that doesn't agree with yours.

You make a lot of good points but really all they need to do to solve this is not scrap the light system, just make the grind less ridiculous. They're suffering from the same issue so many of these gear based games suffer. They're trying to gate off the hardcore farmers who play all day every day, but in the process

My personal opinion (probably not widely shared) is that I don't care much for the pvp in Destiny. Then again, I don't care much for pvp in general. I know I'm only a mediocre FPS player, I don't need "MadDog69" to repeatedly blast me into oblivion to drive that message home. About the only pvp I enjoy is

I agree with Neko. It wasn't broken. People didn't like it, but it was working perfectly. Personally, I'm tempted to say that if the engrams can no longer give you lower equipment, they should no longer be able to give out better equipment either. People would just whine even more though so it won't happen.


Never going to understand this kind of thing. I've been progressing pretty well through plain old normal play. Oh well, to each their own.

Just play the game, that is the better way. Besides, loot cave is dead as of today and good riddance. Honestly, the game moves you along at a very good clip. I only played at nights and got to lvl 20 in a week. Just don't try to take on missions that are above your level, they're not worth it because the bad guys

I guess I'm odd but I've actually grown to enjoy the game more post level 20 then before level 20. Initially I thought "hey, this game is fun but man, the story is pretty lacking". The loot game after level 20 has been a pretty big hook though and I've enjoyed leveling up my character and getting new stuff. With so

Ah, that is funny. Still, the whole theme of Light vs Dark? You can definitely make that pretty Biblical.

Still firmly against proximity chat, I enjoy my sci-fi epic profanity free. This sounds like a good compromise position.

The limit is far from pointless. The Bungie devs said this would be a game you wouldn't have to devote your whole life to and they've lived up to that IMO. For one, the grind is present, but not insane. For another, the cap on marks means that people who can't play all day, every day, won't get hopelessly behind

I dunno. One part of my brain is telling me "everyone is different and has different opinions, it's okay". The other part is going "these people are stupid, Destiny is a great game".

All I can say is that I've been enjoying it and have been making steady progress from lvl 20 to 24 and fully expect to hit lvl 26 in

How is the grind? At this point I've given up on just about every F2P game as the grind is ridiculous and why on Earth would I spend hours upon hours on a phone game when I have a PS3?

If the grind is bad, how are the prices? The ACTUAL prices. As in, how much does it cost to get a Spider-Man or something of

I predict she stays single for a good, long time.

This is an honest question, I only just started the game (lvl 8 Warlock) so I'm still learning a lot. Why not join a clan though? If you joined a clan you could have a good friends list and just try to link up with them. That's just throwing an idea out there, I'm still experimenting with the game and I just joined

It would help you to refute his argument if you actually, you know, tried to refute his argument rather then sling around a bunch of insults and assumptions. In fairness, you do try to offer some refutation by citing those studies on minimum wage. So, kudos for that, the rest was largely just a bunch of raging and

How exactly have they benefited from feminism? Language is important and I find that when it comes to this kind of discussion people just straight up misuse it.

I assume you mean that without feminism they wouldn't be able to hold the jobs that they do, vote, etc. The thing is, is that what feminism is about

Nonsense, don't you know the only bad people in the world are straight white males? Everyone else is perfect and wonderful! *sarcasm*

On a more serious note, I tend to disagree with Jezebel but here they're right. While, yes, it is a dumb idea to take nude pictures of yourself, that doesn't justify people HACKING

Personally, I had to give up on it after sinking in over 100 hours and still having a good 20-30 hours left to go. I am not a very fast player when it comes to games though, so your results may vary.

Overall, I am finding RPGs harder to get through these days because the commitment is just too huge and seriously,

Seems very cool although I think Paul Tassi on Forbes made a good point about the name. Kids everywhere are going to be disappointed on Christmas when their parents can't figure out the difference between a "new" 3DS and a NEW 3DS. Maybe they'll revamp the name some before release though.