
I'm just not sure when "gamer" become synonymous for "jerk". I would consider myself a "gamer" but I try to treat everyone with respect.

A few points, one, while gaming has certainly expanded, you'll have to pardon me if I'm skeptical that it will ever be a 50/50 split. Most things just tend to go that way. And

Maybe it's just me but I'm not really seeing a "heartfelt cry for a more reasoned" debate. Maybe I need to read it through a second time but he doesn't seem to acknowledge that there is any legitimate criticism of Anita. From what I'm reading, a person could very well be lead to believe there is no legitimate way to

Good to see them putting this in. I won't play it, I love the bots and the Titans. It is the only thing that keeps me playing Titanfall whereas I will not play any other multiplayer shooter. Still, there is an audience for this game mode so I'm glad they're including it. I think they probably should have had it in

As a pro-lifer, it is good to see a story like this. A woman can control her own body, it is just the body growing inside you that is the issue. Frankly, I don't understand how it is empowering to women to go and have innocent lives killed, especially when they could have just not had sex in the first place. If

Don't care, that was still a fun game. It should have gotten more credit then it did. Not a perfect game but not as bad as some made it out to be.

Should have thrown in some . . . ellipses instead . . . eh?

Just, I really hate to be critical, but, am I missing something? The author played a demo section primarily focused on the Batmobile and is somehow worried the game will have "too much Batmobile"?? I, can kind of see the connection, but it really seems a little ridiculous.

According to the latest news I saw, the autopsy said there were six shots, all the shots came from the front, and four were to the arm, two to the head. I think that shows you right there that shots to the arm or the leg are not guaranteed to be disabling and thus why police are trained to fire for center mass. I

Yeah, look, I'm never going to perfectly understand another person, no matter how well I know them. And I can't say I'll understand Evan's experience, especially as I'm not Black. That said, can't we approach this situation rationally? I think most people would agree that if the officer is lying, he deserves to be

Hey, look at that. Us treating people who disagree with us like people! :-)

Thanks for the comment and honestly, all this stuff puts me in a tough spot. Like I said, I'm not particularly crazy about how women are being portrayed in the media. I'm just not sure exactly how to "fix" it and I'm certainly not happy

Not really because pornography is the exact same thing (women as objects/puppets to please men, not as real people) except more graphic and featuring real women. The fact that it is done voluntarily really doesn't fix that in my eyes.

After all, head to a Muslim country and you will no doubt find women who believe it

Gamecube was a long time ago. I'm not sure of all the reasons why Gamecube didn't do as well but I'm sure Nintendo could learn their lessons from that and do better. Wii, as much as I love it, was kind of a fluke. They (in my opinion, foolishly) tried to catch that "lightning in a bottle" a second time with WiiU

That's what I was thinking. I hate to knock what is obviously a very well-constructed and detailed work of love. I just don't quite understand the point. It can't go anywhere, so why put a person in there? They could have just made a statue. It is still, very awesome and very well-done. I can't imagine how much

I would like to point out this isn't just something Ubisoft is "saying", it's a simple fact. They're just relaying the fact.

Now, what could be done to correct this, I'm not sure. Personally I've avoided WiiU specifically because third party titles do so poorly on Nintendo and I got tired of missing third party

I'm with you. I don't get the appeal of it in the slightest. I mean, whatever, if that's your thing I'm not going to be upset. It does me no harm for that option to be in the game. I just don't get it.

How is that Nicki Minaj pic not horribly exploitative of women and sending all the wrong messages??

Someone help me out here. I'm a Christian and do my best to lead a traditional, moral life. If I speak out against abortion or same-sex marriage, people will retort "Hey, if you don't like 'xyz' don't get/have one!"

So, how does that logic not apply here? If you don't like this outfit either don't buy the game or

I thought it was funny and had good fight scenes. The plot really falls apart if you think about it too hard but I didn't mind. Depends on what you're looking for in a movie. Overall, I enjoyed the action and I laughed a lot, so I was happy.

Look, these restaurants might be in the wrong, companies definitely do mistreat their workers. That said, I wish there was more relevant data to back up that assertion here. $30 million in sales? So what? How much profit did they make? How much do they pay in salary? How much would the minimum wage hike and

Liked Transformers and TMNT as a kid. Like the new Transformers movies and the TMNT movie. Just throwing that out there.