
Then I fail to see the issue with cartoon breasts. Consent isn't even an issue there and besides women work for game companies that make these kind of games.

Isn't part of the notion of rape culture that these kinds of images encourage men to view women as sexual objects? If so, wouldn't porn and strip clubs be the

Oh buddy, just because you're offended by something doesn't mean you've been "harassed". I'm offended by half the stuff on the Internet, doesn't mean the Internet is "harassing" me. People really go overboard trying to paint themselves as victims these days. Welcome to the real world, sometimes you'll be offended.

Other reports state that the "protesters" are more just trying to witness to people (and that they actually brought one person to salvation). Ultimately, it is hard to know which side is being honest as both have an incentive to spin things their way. Still, as Jezebel has in the past painted those who stand outside

Why don't you mind your own business? What does it matter what some random person on the internet thinks? ;-)

You are aware that the same Jesus said that so much as looking at another woman with lust in your heart was the same as adultery? H̶a̶r̶d̶ ̶t̶o̶ ̶b̶e̶l̶i̶e̶v̶e̶ Impossible to believe He'd be okay with strip clubs.

Is it really difficult to understand that you can love someone without agreeing with everything they

Hmm, read other stories and they gave different accounts of the church members behavior . . . in this particular case of he said, she said, I'd have to give credence to the church-goers, barring any further evidence.

So that disclaimer aside, it sounds like a good church and from other reports I heard they led a

I'm not happy about it but is it so hard to understand where they're coming from? These days games go on discount so soon, that I can understand why they'd want to push pre-orders. Aren't a lot of any purchases for a game within the first 2 weeks or something like that? I'm not saying I agree with their decision

I would say that things change over time. When I was younger, the bigger the game the better. These days? There are a lot more good games out there and my time is a lot more limited so I'm with you. I'd prefer a tighter, focused, and good experience over a meandering one that takes forever. I sadly seem to be in

Titanfall is, in my opinion, a far better multiplayer experience then Call of Duty.

Of course it doesn't make sense if you analyze it too much, mechs in general just don't make sense as a weapon. I just choose to ignore all that though because giant robots = awesome. :-)

Hearthstone is so not balanced.

To each their own. Personally, I just don't care to get stomped. I know there are people out there better then me at games, that doesn't mean I care to fight (and lose) to them. It just isn't very much fun. I play games as escapism, just to have some fun, not to hone my "skillz". So ultimately while I'm polite

Yeah, beginner bots are too easy once you learn the game. Intermediate bots are okay, although I speak as someone who is far from a LoL pro. Personally, I find them challenging enough to keep things interesting.

That is why I mostly stick to bot matches when I play. It is an easy way to play casually. I really like that about LoL, some other games are not quite so good at that. Frankly, I'm not sure Heroes of the Storm will be good for casual play. Blizzard seems to be all about ultra-competition. You can't really do

Not if you want to play Destiny or Evolve. But yes, in fairness, WiiU has some fun looking games coming out. Ultimately the third-party issues still kills the deal for me. WiiU would be a great second console, but not a great first console. We know that there are only more and better third-party games coming down

Good on you for being reasonable. Sadly, many commenters simply don't bother with that nonsense. They know who the PC overlords allow them to make fun of, they know who they're not allowed to make fun of, and they make sure to toe the party line. They then holler about "intolerance" and make fun of others for being

Shouldn't feminists be completely up in arms over Fifty Shades of Grey? I mean, talk about disempowering women and/or rape culture, that's every Fifty Shades is.

Personally, I wish celebrities would shut up about politics in general as they usually know next to nothing. Still, this is sadly the world we live in and for some reason, people care. If a celebrity supports something, it does influence people. Why? I don't know. Tom Cruise can sure act sometimes but that

Truly terrifying. It just goes to show how far we've fallen.

In fairness, some F2P games are done right and are fun. They are so few and far between though, that it is almost not worth it. I'm hoping the F2P fad dies down sooner rather then later.

How is he wrong? How exactly should Israel respond to an organization that incessantly shoots rockets at Israelis, murder Israeli civilians by traveling through underground tunnels, uses their own people as human shields, and is dedicated to Israel's destruction??

And that is what bugs me about the redesigns. Comics change and that's fine. However, these changes feel far more motivated by "What would make the PC overlords happy?" then "what would make our fans happy?".