
In life there is usually no perfect decision. Pretty much any path you take has pros and cons. As far as I am concerned, the pros of restricting open chats greatly outweigh the cons.

I'm pretty sure Destiny has ways you can befriend you run into and then put them on a chat, not sure. Anyway, I see no reason for a

In Sony's defense, games take a lot longer to play a game and they probably are more taxing on servers then movies. So I can understand why they wouldn't want to go with a plan like what you describe. That said, the prices are absolutely bonkers and there is no value for the consumer in them. Like Jason says, why

OnLive offered some games as part of a subscription plan and other games were a la carté. Couldn't Sony do something similar? Older games be subscription, newer games a la carté? From a consumer standpoint I don't see any good reason not to bring over older games. I can't speak for the business and technical side

Aww, a little sad to hear that. Still, to each their own. Personally, I didn't think it was that bad but yeah, the battle system really needed some more depth to it. That's a good word. I'm just weird I guess but I didn't mind most of the characters. Hope was the worst and even him I never really disliked, it was

Here's my beef. On the one hand, Kotaku and its sister sites decry how women are treated. So, they'll lament the sexualization of women in video games (think Dragon's Crown Sorceress) or lament how women are treated at cons. Now frankly, I largely agree with them on these points. Men should treat women with

Oh yeah, it was definitely a huge help because of how fast the battles went. Plus, like I said, it looked awesome. I'm just a fan of more "tactical" play, it's a big reason why I love Fire Emblem and I feel like Child of Light and Transistor both had interesting takes on turn-based combat that I personally prefer,

XIII needed more characters for your party to interact with. I don't know about others but half the fun of an RPG to me is exploring and interacting with the fantastical world you're in and the characters that populate it. XIII really was just one giant hallway by and far. Honestly, I wouldn't have minded parts of

I never understood all the hate for FF13. I think it is a solid RPG and the sequels are good too. Each of them have issues I'm not crazy about. FF13 was too linear. I didn't mind that there was some linearity to it, it did make sense. It is always silly in an RPG when you have to "rush" somewhere but really you

What on Earth are you going on about??

For one, this post was written before the beta or alpha was available. All we had to go on was hype and I'm being positive but wary of the hype. I'm much harder on Titanfall then Destiny. I've now played both Titanfall and Destiny and can safely say Destiny is a good game and

Eh, this is why I stick to fighting bot matches in League of Legends and probably will never play ranked. I'm glad some people are into super-competition, not really for me. I play games to relax and have fun, any game that starts demanding I memorize this, that, and the other thing really starts feeling more like

And this is why I love PS Plus, was thinking of buying Dragon's Crown, now, don't have to :-)

It's always sad to see people lose their jobs. That said, the direction Crytek was going in wasn't good. Crysis 3 was subpar and the "all free to play" move was just a horrible idea. So, sad to say, but I'm kind of glad to see that is likely to not come to fruition. Free to play can be done right but precious few

Yeah, I did like all the options Dishonored presented you with and was also a bit peeved that Deus Ex: HR incentivized playing the non-lethal way. I know that it is arguably the "harder" way but the extra XP made it feel like like the only or the "right" way to play and that was a bit of a bummer. Still a great game

I have to imagine brand new releases would not be available on that service right at launch. My understanding is that for now people on the service will get early access to new releases to try them out and then be able to buy them at a discount. Which admittedly, is very cool. I just don't like the idea of multiple

Question, can you get gold for Adventure mode wins?

They have to talk it down, it's just a good idea from a corporate perspective. It is a service X1 has that they don't. So of course they need to say something and what do you expect them to say "Sounds like a great idea, people should go buy an Xbox 1!". That would be silly. Personally, I'm not sure if it will be

Hardly seems like "slut-shaming", seems like a legit question. Wouldn't matter if you were the guy or the girl. Why sleep with someone you weren't into? Call me crazy but I think sex means something. If you're just using it to get your rocks off, there's the Internet for that. No need to mess with another

Clearly, I was not making proper use of my grenades. From now on, I will be far more generous in lobbing grenades.

I'd have to say, I was watching the episodes as they came out and it started slow. So I was a little bummed by that. Especially as it was the awesome fight scenes that drew me in. Sounds like it got better later on so I will need to sit down and watch it all through in 1 or 2 sittings, which does sound like a much

1. A world map when you're in explore mode. It is frustrating to not be sure how to get to an area you want. Even worse is when you accept a mission and it is like two "zones" over. There are times I'm willing to travel that far and times I'm not, plus if you take a lower level character into explore there are