
Eh, Jenner make sense. You seem to be taking her advice to an unreasonable extreme rather then dealing with what she actually said. She's not saying, for example, that you can't please your kids. However, there are times when people do seem actively afraid of upsetting their children and will do anything and

"Current editions of the game have weeded out those cards that a̶r̶e̶n̶'̶t̶ ̶g̶o̶o̶d̶ aren't politically correct"

From what I've heard, that sounds like a more correct statement.

Hear hear! If you can't even defend yourself against a (presumably) false rape accusation without being set upon by the social justice crowd, what can you do? It's insane. Also, how is tearing him down anything resembling social justice?

Wow, just wow, I, uh. . . I mean, do you understand the concept of "innocent until proven guilty" at all? It is very scary that some people seem to assume each and every rape accusation automatically is true. It's sad, but there are false ones. That is exactly why we have a court system to determine guilt, whether

This makes precious little sense. A) Why would they be back there even if they're not supposed to be? B) Say they wanted "behind-the scenes" footage, okay, can't you just have them pretend to do that, do you actually need to film a real session? C) How on Earth does a (ostensibly) professional organization

Well, I'm interested, it will depend on how they do monetization. It seems to have enough to keep it different from say, League of Legends, and the art style is very well-done. I don't play League religiously, but I also never delete it because it does monetization right. If this game doesn't have a crazy pay

"Here's an idea: Let's get Fred Smith to host a TV show called "How Sympathetic Is My Situation?" and on it, we will parade down-on-their-luck people in front of millions to lay out and justify their choices, mistakes and circumstances for us, so that we can all collectively decide for one and for all how much

Because . . . it's not? No employer is denying their employees access to birth control any more then they deny their employees access to food or housing (since you know, they don't pay for those things). Also, Hobby Lobby covers several types of birth control, they just object to a few that can abort babies. Moral

Eh, Greg is largely right. The Left's reaction to this Hobby Lobby decision has been ridiculous and overblown, but whatever it takes to whip up their fictitious "war on women" meme. Fact is, plenty of women agree with SCOTUS but to hear authors like this, you'd think all women are in lockstep with liberal feminist

Or people could be zeroing on this issue because Democrats have made it a plank of their fictitious "war on women" meme?? Just . . . y'know, spitballing here.

Life is risky, going out my front door every day is a risk, or not going out my front door is a risk. Pregnancy isn't an injury. You may get an injury from a

The saying I've heard is "I had to get drug tested to get the job that pays for those benefits, so you should get drug tested to keep those benefits". It makes sense to me.

That kind of nonsense is just plain broken. It is definitely one of the things I dislike about Hearthstone. The game really just doesn't seem balanced yet, especially things like Secrets, I mean seriously, who runs those?

I know that kind of play is not something that can happen often, but the fact that it can

That's not really liberty you know? Do what the gov't says, or pay a fine, your choice! Frankly, isn't it a good thing that they want to provide health insurance for their employees? Especially as our foolish current policy makes that the cheapest way to get health insurance?

That is a very apples vs oranges comparison. For one thing, a pregnancy isn't an injury.

Jesus Christ on marriage:

Those aren't churches, those are country clubs with steeples, and they're dying out. Denominations like the Presbyterian church are losing members while more conservative denominations like Assemblies of God or Church of God are growing. It makes sense, why have The World-lite when you can just have The World?

Much of what he's preaching is actually in line with the Bible (e.g. the "weaker vessels" is a direct quote). I'm not sure how you could call yourself a "Christian" and disagree with him on some of these points.

I can't say I'd agree with everything this man says (surprise exorcism? If true, it's bizarre), I'd need

If married people get pregnant it's no big deal. Married couples can also afford birth control, if they can't, they've got more serious issues to deal with.

On your first point, religious liberty was designed to protect us from the state having a religion, something that was common back then and still is in some parts of the world (e.g. Middle East). Which is exactly why the gov't should defer to the religious desires of individuals whenever possible because that is the

There are far cheaper forms of birth control and you can pay for an IUD the same way you pay for your food and car. Further, why should you be able to force someone to pay for an IUD in the first place? People aren't obligated to pay for things just because you want them.